what are you talking about ?

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I walked into the room I shared with my boyfriend Shawn. "Hey Babe" I said but he said nothing back. Just looked up from his phone to glare at me. I frowned at him as I walked over to him. "Shawn what's wrong? why are you in such a bad mood?" I said looking at him concerned. "Oh I don't know..that usually happened when you find out your girlfriend is cheating on you" he snapped at me.

I laughed at how ridiculous that sounded. "What are you talking about? with who?" I said to him. "Don't play dumb it's not cute" he said giving me a disgusted look. I folded my arms starting to get frustrated. "I'm not playing..I have no idea what you're talking about" I said. Shawn rolled his eyes getting up off the bed. "You and Matt last night? ring a bell?" he said in a condescending tone.

"Are you serious? did Matt tell you that?" I said in total confusion. "He didn't have to it was all over twitter" Shawn said. I leaned over laughing in an over- exaggerated way. "Are you seriously going to believe people on Twitter over me? that show how strong your trust is" I said smirking at him. "Don't turn this around on me! you're the one who's cheating on me with one of my best friends!" He said moving closer to me, screaming. "I'm not cheating on you! what part of that do you not understand" I screamed back at him.

"Whatever I'm leaving" He said heading for the door. "No you're not" I said grabbing his arm, but he shook me off, accidentally elbowing me in the face. My gasp made him turn around. His eyes widened as he saw me sitting on the bed with the my hands over my face. "Oh my God babe I'm so sorry! I can't believe I just did that" he said sitting on the bed and wrapping me in his arms.

I burst into tears at that point. "crap, Babe I'm so sorry please don't cry" He said trying to console me. "I'm not crying..because you hit me...I'm crying..because you actually..believe that I would..cheat on you" I said between sobs. "No no babe I don't actually" He said hugging me tightly. "Then why did you get so mad?" I said still crying. He sighed loudly hugging me tightly and placing a kiss on the top of my head. "Because I'm an overprotective idiot who should think before he jumps to conclusions" He said to me.

I looked up at him. "I swear I didn't cheat" I pleaded. "I know, I know" Shawn said pulling me into his chest. "I love you so much don't forget that" he said kissing my cheek.

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