Chapter 1 ~ Crimpson Blood

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"KYLER!" My sister, Krystal called out.

Ignoring her, I quickly put my green contacts in along with my black and white striped gloves, leaving the tips of my fingers bare.
I take a quick look at my teased black hair, then grabbing my book bag and started down the stairs.

"What took you so long?! You literally take longer than a girl!" Krystal bursted out annoyed.

"Was that supposed to be a compliment because I'm gay?" I snickered, hopefully mom and dad were already at work.

She shrugged, and started out the door as I ran towards her. My kit fox tail flying in the air as I do so, along with my chains clinging. When I finally caught up with her she rolls her eyes and giggles a bit.

"When are you gonna tell mom and dad about your gay problem?" She asks suddenly.

"I don't know, when I feel the time is right, they accepted me as a therian, but I don't know if they'll support the gay part..." My voice faded as we turned the corner.

Krystal is a year younger than me, 16 years old, as you should of already figured I'm 17 by now. I'm the only boy in the family, and I'm gay... Which skips to the point that there is a 99.9% chance that they would not accept me for my sexuality. I mean like, it's not like it's not normal, if God made all the sexualities, and he hates homophobes, then why did he make them?
Today is Monday, that one day everyone hates, because, well you know it's Monday!
As we walk down the street and walk up to a two-story house, I open the door without knocking and yawn loudly in the front door.

"Yeah yeah yeah, Kyler I'll be right there!" Kaidyn growled, as he tackled me out of the doorway.

Both of us on the porch, Kaidyn on top of me, as a blush spreads across his face when he covers his face with his slightly wavy blonde hair.

I laugh, "Okay! You can get off me now, next thing you know we're late to school."

His cheeks even redder than before, he gets off me and apologizes scratching the back of his head. Kaidyn is also a wolf therian, he's the alpha of my pack! Most of the time I call him alpha because I'm lazy to say his real name. He's the same age as me, slightly taller, with many spikes wristbands.

"Well? What are we waiting for?! Let's pick up the others!" Krystal says, tapping her foot impatiently.

We roll our eyes and started walking to the next house. I realize that Kaidyn is wearing his dark blue eye contacts, which is intimidating, but has a safe feeling in it too. I start heating up as I think about it. Why am I getting all flustered? I sigh as we walked to the next house, knowing we only had 30 minutes to get the next 3 people.
We finally arrive at Mile's house. This time Kaidyn ended up popping into their house, yelling out good morning.

"MILES GET YOUR BUTT DOWN THOSE STAIRS AND ONTO THE CONCRETE! 'CAUSE WE AREN'T WAITING ANY LONGER!" Kaidyn barked, as I saw a terrified Miles run down the stairs.

Miles is the omega of the pack, because he's the most submissive, but we'll fix that *wink wink* ( and no it's not that dirty winking it's the other kind ).
Miles lowers as he approached Kaidyn and me, his natural chocolate brown eyes begging not to hurt him for being late, as a puppy looked begging to give him some table scraps.
Before I start annoying you about how he's a wolf therian too, we're all wolf therians, so that's out of the way.
Of course we didn't hurt him, who would torture such a adorable person? We're all family.

"Next up M-marble" I studder, trying not to.

First of all, who isn't scared of Marble? Ok well, everyone.. Except for me. Marble is intimidating, he stares into your soul and can read anyone's expression! He has jet black hair with frosty tips, his contacts are always white with a black iris, and he wears almost all black clothes, not to mention his tail his a silver fox tail.
He is also a higher rank than me, beta, he mostly picks on me, because he knows in scared of him.

"Yo dude why are you so scared of Marble?" Kaidyn teases.

I scowl at him, looking up towards him. He knows the exact reason! I growl at him as I started walking again.
Miles follows with his small coyote tail swaying along the back of his blue skinny jeans.

The same routine with Marble's house, busting through the door. Then the last person, Violet, this time actually knocking on the door and going up the stairs to get her.
We don't want to be rude around Violet lets just say that...

Later at school, the first bell rang leaving me and Alpha in 1st period. English, I sighed. Alpha seeing my irritation, he scoots over closer to me making my heart beat faster, and more tense. He then slyly snakes an arm around my waist pulling me onto his seat. I tense even more, my body heat rising along with my heart rate.
Why do I feel this way? What's happening to me?

The teacher then walks into the class room letting the class take their seats. Kaidyn pulls his arm away and I adjusted in my seat, as he moved back to his assigned seat.
Kaidyn winks at me, and I get flustered for absolutely no reason. I wonder why I'm acting like this all of a sudden. Ever since I told the pack about my sexuality, I've grown attached to Kaidyn. I'm probably just acting weird because I didn't eat breakfast this morning. I crossed my arms, both hands touching my ribs and thinking about how skinny I am.

"Today we're going to be working in partners, for a project, you'll have to write an essay together on how you've bonded over the year. So get to who you usually partner with, and you can have no more than 2!" He announces.

I had forgotten that it was near the end of the year, we had about a week left?

Kaidyn comes over to what we call "The Emo Corner" a corner of the room that is the most darkest and no one goes near it cause there is some rumor saying a snake lives there.

All well, Kaidyn starts to plot some stuff on how we're gonna write the paper, as he "cuddles" with me in the corner. Just sharing a seat with his arm around my waist, as I start to get butterflies and tense a bit...

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