Chapter 19

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 Sorry, that I hadn't posted. I recently moved and my new school is giving me a hard time. I just want to go back to where I was because it was perfect there.. Ok never mind about my idiotic problems and back to what you're really reading for ~Wolfie


I made my way into the school gym doors and heard different pitches of girls screaming out their cheers and the thumping of their feet hitting the ground. Jesus Christ they sound like a damn circus training their elephants...

I sigh, and made my way to the bleachers. By the time I was near the stairs, I felt like a rhino hit me.

   "Holy shit, what kind of circus is this? Where the fuck did a rhino come from??" I say surprised as I looked down at what the hell rammed me. "That's not a rhino..." 

   We both laugh and I hug Krystal back. "You came just in time! We're about to do a pyramid!" She says running back to her little group of red and white. 

   I rest my elbow on the railing of the stairs and watched as each one of the girls stood on each other to make this giant girl pyramid. On the very top was Kry, I'm supposing that's because she's the lightest. I clap at their amazing work of being cheerleaders.


   "Alright, where do you want to go before we go home?" I ask putting my hands in the pockets of my jacket. I don't have a lot of money right now maybe just $20..

   "Hmm, can we get some popcorn and rent a movie?" She asks. 

   "I suppose that's ok," I pat her head. 


After I got her favorite caramel popcorn and a movie that she's been wanting to see for a while, we headed home and watched the strange movie. After that was done I had checked my phone for the time. It's 9:47.  (It was actually 9:46  AM when I wrote this XD)

   "Hey Kry I gotta go," I say getting up and heading towards the door. 

   "Alright.. whatever..." She mumbled and put her blanket over her head. I roll my eyes and walk quietly out the door. Apparently, 9:30 is usually the time my parents fall asleep. I clip on my tail and quietly go out the back door with my knife, as always. I go around in the dark forest, trying to find my way to my meadow. Shit I should've gotten myself a flashlight. I really wish I hadn't crushed the flash on my damn phone that night..

   "Kyler?" I heard the confused soothing voice call my name. I walk towards that voice and found myself in a glowing meadow. The moonlight lightly glowed against the smooth stones, the stream was glazed with soft waves and the moons reflection was stunning. I sigh in relief when I saw Dakota over by the stream touching the water with his fingers.

   "I'm here," I say and smile at him. He smiles back and slowly gets up to walk over to me.

   "Wait, I wanna show you something," I slowly walk over to him and once I got his attention I skated my hand on the grass near us. As my hand went over the grass glow bugs flew over our heads. I look over to see Dakota's reaction and he was smiling, it felt like I was going to melt into a little puddle of Kyler right on the floor. He spun around as the wandering stars flew around him. Each step he took the more the fireflies came out around him. He looked like he had never seen them before, well this is only the second time I've seen them in person...

   "Whoa..." He whispers looking around. As he steps backwards he trips on a stone and falls backwards. I catch him in time but fall anyway and pull him close to my chest.

   "Uh.." I say awkwardly. He laughs and lays down next to me, I do the same. 

   "It's fun hanging out with you," he says placing his hands on the back of his head looking up at the stars. We lay there for a bit, by the time the fireflies had already settle down back into the grass.

   "Hey, um.. Can I tell you something?" Dakota continues. I nod my head in response.

   "Well, um.. Thanks for earlier today, I kinda was in a crisis back there.." He thanks. 

   "Hm?" I ask raising my eyebrow. 

   "Well, like family problems y'know.. They expect you to grow up and out of the fact that we think we're animals," He whispers.

   "Yeah, my parents think it's just a game, but they expect me to start acting more mature since my 18th birthday is coming and I'd have to go to collage or move out or something," I sigh.

   "Yeah.. How's it like being 17?" He asks.

   "What do you mean?"

   "Well, how's it like being older I guess," 

   "It's a whole lot of responsibility and remembering stuff your parents expect you to remember, like their passwords and shit," We laugh, "How's it like being an only child?"

   "Hm, it's lonely and I'm being spoiled a lot," He sighs. "That's why I go into the forest alone, and that's how I came to love this place. It gets me away from my rich ass parents and I get to hunt for mice or look for praying mantis's, y'know?" 

   "Yeah, but I come here to burn off steam and calm down," I smile, "And you just came here and made me melt to the ground,"

   "Aw," He smiles. I turn to him and then he turns to me.

   "Thanks," I whisper. 

   Then all of a sudden, he kissed me.

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