Chapter 8 - Surprise

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AUTHORS NOTE- *cough cough Violet *cough cough...
That's a picture of Violet, yeah this just got awkward. Jk, I just keep saying that the picture is someone and it makes me feel weird when I keep saying it. Yep.

   Last night was crazy.

   Nothing weird happened, it was just hard to get Kaidyn out of the room so I could just sleep.

   When Kaidyn is drunk he's an ass, I mean like he's stubborn and an asshole.

   Everyone has that friend, the one who is a stubborn asshole.

   Don't lie, it's not nice to lie.

   Speaking of stubborn, Violet keeps ranting about how me and Kaidyn should tell the viewers/fans on the YouTube channel that we're dating.

   She kept trying...

And trying,

And trying.

   Until we finally just gave in, and went with it. So the next time we make a video we have to say we're dating.

   Bullshit right?

   It's the next day, Kaidyn and I are in first period together, once again working on that stupid essay.

We were quiet, and I didn't want to break the silence.

   I was mad at him.

   He let me go to sleep at 6! And I wake up at 8!

   I'm tired, I can't work because I'm either falling asleep or not paying attention.

   Kaidyn looks at me trying to get my attention, but I ignore him.

   He looks at me still with pleading eyes to pay attention to him.

   "I'm sorry,"

   I heard the words come out of his mouth.

   What was he sorry for?

   Of course I don't say that aloud, I still kept quiet, still not looking at him.

   "Hey, I would rather you be angry at me than ignoring me, please just talk to me."

   That hit a nerve.

  It made me wanna cry.

   He was ignoring me yesterday.
Today I'm ignoring him and I'm angry at him.

   I didn't look.

   I don't want to talk to him.

   "Please." He grabbed my arm.

   I shrugged him off, as a tear escaped my eye.

   This wasn't fair. He wasn't fair.

   "Don't cry, at least don't cry here." He wiped the tear away.

   "Why?" I asked.

   He raised an eyebrow confused.

   "Why'd you drink last night?"
I asked, wanting an answer.

   I didn't really want to know. I just felt like asking.


Because what..?????

   "Would you rather me cut or get drunk?" He asked.

   "Neither.." I said, almost in a whisper.

   "Then what would you rather me do?"

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to answer him again.

"To tell me what was wrong so I can help you," I said, keeping quiet still.

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind," he replied, then went back to writing.

I sigh, wanting just to feel his lips against mine again. Of course, that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

During lunch was the same as yesterday.

No one spoke, Marble was missing, but Spade didn't come back. It's crazy how this wolf pack works sometimes. I mean, when you look on Instagram of therians you see them having fun. Well they sometimes would have traitors, or people who aren't even therians that were because their best friend was in the pack. That's straight up bullshit, and sad because they were using you to be popular. At least that's what people did here.

"Does anyone wanna come to the park? We could go and climb the trees that fell," Violet said, breaking the silence.

It's always nice having Violet in the pack. She always is happy, no matter what the mood is in the atmosphere.

"Sure why not, we could make the den better," Kaidyn smiled.

The first time I've seen him smile all day. I joined him and nodded to Violet.

A few seconds later we heard a bunch of squealing in the background, they got louder as they were heading towards us.

I'm guessing this has to do with Dylan...

You see, Dylan is one of the most popular kids in this school. He had that hair fuckboys had, with frosty tips. His eyes were stunningly blue. He also was the biggest bully to the pack, and he always has all the cheerleaders and plastics around him. His girlfriend, the lead of the cheer team, is Ashley.

Now this is the weird part.

Ashley, is beautiful and kind. She likes to hang out with us sometimes, and says we're actually fun. She has green eyes almost as green as mine, and long black hair.

Now back to reality.

"Why do you guys look so silent today? You guys are usually talking about 'werewolves' and 'tails' " Dylan said, laughing along with the other girls.

"Hey leave them alone you stupid dumbass, you can't even get C's in your classes," Violet growled, loud enough for everyone to keep silent.

"Actually, I have all A's, I'm not the one whose walking around school with a piece of fur on my ass," he recalled,
"And actually, I was also talking about you,"

I stood up in front of him, growling intently.

"Don't talk to her like that, at least we know how it's like to have a family outside of our personal lives," I said defensively.

He was being a bitch, not even just a piece of shit.

Before he could say anything else, he was struck in the face.

"Hey, no damage please!" I heard that sweet voice in the background.

Ashley then came pushing people away to make her way into the fight.

"Dylan, leave them alone," she said punching his arm.

"Not until I punch him back to see who really owns this school," he gritted his teeth together.

He went to punch me back his fist in the air full of power.

I got ready for the intense punch, wincing my eyes.

The punch never came, when I opened my eyes, I saw Kaidyn with Dylan's arm around his back.

"Don't ever touch one of my pack members," he barked.

He waited a few long seconds until he let him go.

Dylan scowled at him walking away, wth his group of girls.

Once they were gone, Kaidyn went back to his seat.

"I hope that makes up for worrying you last night." He said, as I sat back down.

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