Chapter 7 - Ignorance

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AUTHORS NOTE- This is how I imagine Miles *cough cough in the photo up at the top *cough cough... Miles is just this very shy and cute person. He's not the type of person to pick on a fight.

   The next day at school seemed different. I wore one of Kaidyn's shirts and a pair of his old skinny jeans.

   The hem of the the shirt was about to my mid thigh.

   I was wearing his plain black V-Shaped shirt.

   I felt like today was different, well, because it was.

   During first period doing the project, Kaidyn and I didn't share a seat.

He sat in a different desk probably a foot away from me.

We still worked on the project, but it was kind of heartbreaking.

It felt like, without him near me I don't feel safe. He's like my protector.

I haven't seen Marble around either, I'm kinda thinking he's planning some evil thing on me.

It's expected, after what Kaidyn had told him yesterday.

I'm scared that Kaidyn is ignoring me.

I'm scared that Kaidyn will throw me out of the pack.

I'm scared...

Am I just overthinking? Or, am I just being a drama dumbass?

I don't know.. This is all just coming to me.

Reasons why I'm sleeping over at Kaidyn's house again.

1. His bed is comfy
2. I like his clothes
3. I can be me in his house
4. I just wanna hang out

I stop to look over at Kaidyn, whose staring focused on the project.

I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but I felt like I would bother him.

I did it anyway.

"Kaidyn, is anything wrong?"

He looks at me raising an eyebrow.

Did I do something wrong or..?

"No, I'm fine." He replied, then turned back to his paper.

"Well, you're ignoring me.. You're kind of scaring me,"

He looked at me again, his face seeming serious.

"No, you're ignoring me," he mimicked.

I raised an eyebrow same as he did before.

I was literally talking to him right now, how is that ignoring him?

"Well.. Sorry," I said, looking down at my paper.

The whole day went like that.

Even at lunch, no one spoke and Marble was no where in sight.

"Does anyone know where Marble might be?" A girl came up and faced us.

"No, we haven't seen him since last night. I think he went on a run," Kaidyn replied rudely.

"Now run away from here, Rouge." He added, more fiercely this time.

"My name is not Rouge, my name is Spade." She growled, then walked away.

She left the school building, like she always did when Marble went missing.

It was pretty normal for her to walk out the building sneakily.

Spade is a Rouge, and her mate is Marble. She's a Tibetan wolf, she wasn't allowed in the pack because Kaidyn said she was a bad influence on us.

Spade smoked weed.. A lot of weed..

Kaidyn never trusted her, but still wanted Marble in the pack.

Kaidyn gave Marble a choice, for him to either stay in the pack and Spade stay a rouge (still mates) or he can leave the pack.

You all should know what he picked.

So now that brings us to where we are now.

That's all what Kaidyn said.

After school I went to Kaidyn's house and lied myself in his bed.

Then woken up by a drunk Kaidyn.

Not again...

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