Chapter 11 - Sorry...

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AUTHORS NOTE- Okay I'm not going to have a lot of these, I guess this will be my last one. /of the authors note thing unless its important../ As of again, I will be uploading the photo of, I think Ashley? I'll check later. Anyway, if you see any misspelling then let me know because yet again I'm using my laptop.. Anyway, Enjoy!


    "Shit, shit ,shit.." I muttered under my breath, my head still staring at the floor in submission.

   You could easily tell that Kaidyn had a phantom shift, he was acting more like his alpha wolf that he always tried to keep inside. Instead of doing that, he was obviously furious. He was snarling loudly, next thing I knew he tackled he onto the ground, his eyes dark as ever. Before I go on, no one, let me repeat that NO ONE, has ever broke one of the important pack rules. I acted recklessly, and he was acting way too soft around me that I - Him - thought I would get away with it. Apparently, that didn't quite go as planned for Him.

/If you don't know what rule he broke, its if you turn your back on an alpha when he/she is expecting something from you or talking to you about something important, especially if they seem to have feelings for you/

Now I know, its the end of the line for me.

Im going to be replaced as omega... Or even worse, get kicked out of the pack.

Kaidyn hovering on top of me, snarled so loudly I think that the ground shook. He bit harshly onto my shoulder, I'm pretty positive it left a horrible bruise. I yelped in pain, trying to squirm out of his hold. He had a good grip onto me and let go on my shoulder and went for my other one. Man! He's getting out of control!

   "I'm sorry! I won't do it again I promise!" I pleaded, hoping he would let me go.

Luckily, he did. When he got off of me I noticed he drew blood from his bite. Then, I drew my attention to my eyes, they were beginning to become glossy and tears were about to spill out. Before I knew it I was backing away until I hit the wall. I looked up into his eyes, them beginning to fill with guilt.

   "Holy shit! Kyler I'm so so sorry! What have I done!" He exclaimed, all of a sudden worried.

I put my hand onto my shoulder where he had bit me and winced at the small contact. He started walking over to me, but I got out of the way of the wall and started moving away my eyes locked with his. I understand that he had done it for a reason, but I'm honestly scared shitless. He's never done this to anyone in the pack, and I was the first.

   "Look Kyler, I'm horribly sorry, I didn't know my wolf would go this far," He apologized.

   "Y-you don't have to apologize.. It's m-my fault," Pretty much at this point I was having streams of water running down my face.

This was so unlike me! What is he doing to me? Its almost like he's been changing, and its only been a week!

"No its not your fault, I hurt you. That's completely unlike me, plus I'm the one who attacked you,"

The guilt in his eyes were really getting to me. It made me want to melt into a little puddle of Kyler. I gave in, still with a little less fear than before. I put my hands out expecting him to come over and hug me and comfort me. As I expected, he came over, but picked me up and sat on the couch putting me down on his lap. He rested his head on my good shoulder, and I'm pretty sure he kept apologizing about a thousand times. I always giggled when he nuzzled his nose on my neck, it tickled quite a bit. He went over to my other shoulder, looking at the wound he had made a few minutes ago and sighed.

   "I'm really sorry about this, I didn't know I would hurt you this badly. I wanted to give you a warning, but my wolf had different plans," He apologized once again.

   "look, its nothing. It wasn't even your fault yet you take the blame for it, I shouldn't have had broke an important rule in the first place," I softly said, not wanting to put anymore of the blame on him anymore.

Yet he still went on.

   "No, I really am the reason you got hurt. I should've controlled myself," He said, starting to clean my wound as I hissed in pain.

   "I don't want to put anymore of the blame on you, it was a cause and effect situation." I replied, not wanting to continue the conversation.

He hummed at my words, seeming to agree. He continued to lick my wound as I still was in pain from, then he ripped one of the old pillows to collect the cloth so he could wrap it around my injury as a band-aid. He decided to leave that there until he got proper cloths.

   "We're not going to school today, okay?" He said, waiting for my confirmation. I nodded intertwining our fingers together.

   "I'm so sorry" He said again, his voice slurred into my ear, leaving the words to wander my head.

   "I'm sorry too," I apologized, wanting the regret and sadness to leave the room.

All of a sudden a knock was heard on the door, sounding furious than ever.


Who do you think is knocking at the door so angrily? Is it his brother coming in from his business trip? I don't know... Damn this person must have some nerve to interrupt a sad moment like this.

Love ya!


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