Chapter 4 ~ interuption

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"Well.." I sit back into my seat, "I hope this video doesn't get flagged," we all bursted out laughing.

I can tell Kaidyn was trying not to laugh, then eventually he started laughing. *sighs* what has this world come to? We then stop to the sound of Violets seriousness.

"Okay okay, now it's Kaidyn's turn!"

I roll my eyes as I make my way to Kaidyn's part of the couch. I kiss him the same way as I did to Miles. Nothing too special. We then continued on with the video challenging each other and asking questions.


Finally, the video was over, a little awkward, but over. We're all just on the couch now, with some chips and soda watching American Horror Story, while Kaidyn is editing the video. I yawn, trying at least not to disturb any of the pack members. I walk over to where Kaidyn was sitting, with his MacBook on his lap completely focused. I tend to break that focus, because I'm usually irritating and hard to brush off.

"So...." I whisper with a smirk planted on my face.

"What do you want, Kyler?" He asks, annoyed already.

"How was I?" I ask trying to piss him off.

"Whatever, leave me alone" he rolled his eyes getting back on track with editing.

"Oh please, I wanna know if I was bad" I plead.

"If I tell you will you leave me alone?" He growls.

"You sure are right," I smirk, awaiting an answer.

"You were ok, now leave me alone," he barks.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'm going Kaidyn," mocking him from this morning.

He rolled his eyes before going back to editing. I lay on his lap, pulling out my phone. Then, a sudden idea hit me.

"Kaidyn.." I whine.

"I thought you said you would leave me alone," his eyes not leaving his laptop this time.

"Weeeellllll..." I say straddling him, moving his laptop away.

"W-what are you doing?" He asks.

I place my hands onto his chest, licking my lips. I grab his collar pulling him closer to me, my face only inches away.

"Can I sleepover?" I say with a smirk, seeing his face grow with anger.

"Seriously?! That's all!" He growled.

I laughed, "yup I already asked my mom, she said I could," I scratch the back of my head.

"Well, whatever" he says, "anyone else wanna sleepover?"

"No, can't you guys should know that," Violet says, rolling her eyes.

"Sure, my parents don't care, it's fine." Miles says shyly. My heart melts at his shyness.

"Nope, not feeling it.." Marble growls.

I'm still in my position on top of Kaidyn, I look back at him catching his attention. I grab his collar and fill in the empty space between us. I kiss him, pulling his neck to lay on the couch. Me on top of him kissing him casually, then lick the bottom of his lip asking for an entrance. He gladly accepted letting my tongue explore.
He switches us around and now he's on top, pulling at my chain leash commanding me to come closer.
Wait, what am I doing? What is he doing? By he I mean the more gay part of me...
I start remembering that the whole pack is here, but I don't know why I'm kissing or doing anything to Kaidyn! I know he's straight and all but why is he kissing me back?!
I quickly pull back, out of breath as with Kaidyn. I look at the pack members and seeing a furious beta staring at me with his pearl eyes.

I jump out of Kaidyn's grasp onto the ground. I sit with my head down in submission as I tense up. Me preparing for an upcoming hit.

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