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Author's note: Special thanks to dorkymonster13 for being so exited for this update:) I hope you all like this chapter

We have been in the car for what feels like hours. Adrian hasn't said a word to me since we left. He turns the car into a run down neighborhood. "Is this where your mystery headquarters is?" I ask. "No." "Then why are we here?" He doesn't answer. Great.

We stop in front of one of the houses. Still in the car, he hands me a key. "This is your house. Now get out of my car," he says. Friendly. I get out without another word. I walk up to the house, unlock and open the door, then step inside.

I turn on the lights. Immediately, I know something is not quite right. I explore the house for a while, then make a discovery that almost gives me a heart attack.

It's my family photos. All of them. I look at all of them starting from the one that was taken the year I was born. I stop at the one from the year the aliens came. How are these here? This is not my old house. Did Adrian put these here?

Are the aliens involved somehow? Maybe they know I remember my old life. Is this a trap? I don't think so.

I cautiously look around the rest of the house without seeing anything else out of the ordinary. Wait, there is a closet left that I haven't checked yet. Is this a good idea?

I open the closet door. My hands are trembling with fear. What I see is surprising.
The closet is packed with guns and ammo. I think my new house might be safe, for now anyways.

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