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We are at the new neighborhood. It seems more eerie than the other one. There are plenty of people here, but it is even more quiet than our old neighborhood, if I can even call it that. I had only stayed there a few days, so I don't think I could call it mine.

We are greeted by an older man. Like Eleanor, he seems very suspicious. As soon as he sees Adrian, his face seems to brighten up. "Jake, do you think there's any room for me and my friends to stay here?" Adrian asks the man. "Sure Adrian, you know we will always have room for you here," says the man, I guess his name is Jake.

Jake leads us to one of the larger houses. "Here you are, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and the fridge and pantry are both stocked with food," says Jake. We all thank him as we head inside.

Inside the house looks totally different from what I thought. The house looks like it could collapse at any moment in the outside, but on the inside it is probably the nicest house I have ever stepped foot in. Each of the bed rooms have a queen sized bed and a dresser filled with various sizes and colors of clothing. I volunteer to share a room with Paige because there are only three bedrooms, she is my sister, after all.

We eat peanut butter sandwiches for dinner, since it involves no cooking skill. Paige falls asleep right after dinner. It is then that I realize, we are in hiding. This neighborhood may seem more secretive than the other, but at any moment aliens could find out about it. They could bomb it just like they did before. Next time, we won't have a bomb shelter.

Author's note: if you are reading this right now, that means you are an awesome human being. I know I have said this before, but you all need to read Twister by dorkymonster13 . It is even better than Forgotten, trust me. Thank you all for being so cool! :)

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