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Outside of Cara's house is worse than I could have ever imagined. There are bodies everywhere. I want to shield Paige's innocent little eyes, but I am to late. She has already seen. "Why is everybody sleeping like that?" she asks. "Well, they are all really tiered," I tell her. "We should wake them up," Paige says. "No I think we should let them sleep sweetie," Cara chimes in.

"We should check your house, Amanda, to see if we can salvage anything from the rubble," says Cara. "Okay," I agree.

On the way there, I see a car that I recognize. Adrian's car. Is he here, somewhere in the piles of bodies? I honestly hope not, but the odds of him surviving aren't very good.

We get to my house, and it looks almost worse than Cara's. The door won't budge, so we enter through a gaping hole in the side of the house. I immediately see that the only thing I actually cared about in this house, my family pictures, are gone. Maybe I can find them somewhere in the rubble.

I search the house until I get to the living room. I am about to give up when I start to wonder if my house also has an underground bunker. I start to lift up the floor boards. After about five minutes, I find it. Cara and Paige are searching the rest of the house for anything that can possibly be salvaged. I decide to check it out.

Once inside, I know I am not alone. "How long have you been here?" I ask the stranger. He turns around, and I realize he is Adrian. "About a day now," he says, answering my question. "I saw that you weren't here, so I stayed in your bomb shelter to keep myself safe." " It's safe outside now," I say. We climb out of the bunker and find Paige and Cara.

"Oh, I almost forgot, these are yours. I didn't think you would want them to be destroyed," he says, handing me a shoe box. I open it and see that he didn't save my shoes, it is all of my family pictures.

Author's note: If you haven't already, please check out Twister by dorkymonster13. It is about a girl who was picked up by a tornado. It is really awesome and I know you will love it :)

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