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Cara is behind the wheel while I practically scream directions to Paige's current home. We are going so fast. I hope we don't get caught. At the same time, I want to go faster. I want to know Paige is safe and with me. I don't know what I am keeping her safe from, but right now, I don't care. I just need her to be safe.

We finally get to Paige's house. I run to the doorstep and ring the bell. After what seems like forever, Paige opens the door. "Hi," I say." Are your parents here?" She says no. Now what? I have to find a way to kidnap her without anyone noticing. Luckily, most adults are at their jobs right now, and most kids are inside because of the rain. I ask her "Do you want to come in an adventure?" "Yay, I like those! I read about them all of the times," she says in her adorable little kid voice. "Well then, let's go!" I tell her.

I lead her to Cara's truck beaming as brightly as she is. I know kidnapping is something to be frowned upon, but she's my sister who was stolen from me by aliens. Cut me some slack.

On our way back, Paige falls asleep. Once she starts snoring, Cara says, "You obviously know Paige, but does she really know you?" Crap. What do I say? She seems trustworthy, and I don't want to lose her as a friend. "Well, no. She doesn't know me. She is my sister but we were separated a month after she was born. I've always felt partially responsible for watching out for her, even though she has no clue who I am." "Wow," is all she says. It wasn't a complete lie, it just wasn't the whole truth. I shouldn't feel guilty about it, right?

Author's note: If you like Forgotten so far, and you need something to read while you wait for the next chapter, check out 'Twister' by dorkymonster13. I know you'll love it just as much as I do so far.

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