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My greatest fear has always been the same; falling. I am not afraid of heights, I am afraid of falling from great heights. I was never afraid of school, but I was terrified of falling behind in my classes. Unfortunately, I have to face my fear.

The forest looks different from above. My tree house is in one of the shortest trees of the forest, but this one is probably the tallest. I have been climbing for at least a half hour, but I have had to stop and rest several times. I think they are gone. I hope they don't know where I am hiding. If they find me, I'm dead. If I'm dead who will save Paige?

About an hour ago I was safe. About an hour ago I wasn't being chased. Well, at least that's what I thought. I wish it was still an hour ago. Either the guards or the aliens know where I have been staying. They know I am in the forest. I hope they don't know that I am up in the tallest tree.

I hear footsteps. They are coming closer. I have to keep climbing higher. The higher I climb, the farther away I am from whoever is stalking me. I am getting dizzy. My fear of falling is kicking in. If I faint from this height, I'll die. If I try to go any higher or if I leave the tree, I'll die.If I stay put, someone could climb the tree. If they climb the tree I'll die.

The footsteps stop. Where do they stop? Right in front of this tree. "Come down here Amanda Joan" I hear a voice say. I know that voice. Its Adrian. I left him at that prison. Oops. I start climbing down slowly. Once I get to the ground, I inform Adrian of my tree house. "We can't stay there," he says. "We have to go save your sister before it is to late," I don't argue. " I need to go to the tree house to get my things," I inform him. He tried to argue. I don't listen. I walk to the tree house with Adrian trailing behind me.

I climb the ladder and open the trapdoor. I know it has been searched. Luckily, what I came for is still here. I grab the box that has served as Creature's home. Adrian is not going to like this, but Adrian is going to have to deal with it. I am not leaving Creature behind.

Adrian and I argue about whether or not I am keeping my turtle for about a half hour. I win that argument. Adrian apparently knows how to navigate through the dense forest, so he leads the way. We stop in the outskirts of the city. Adrian tells me about his friend that will turtle sit for me while we save my sister.

Once we finally get to the headquarters, Adrian starts to act strange. "Adrian, is everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah, there's just one thing," he tells me. "What?" I ask, confused. "I'm not Adrian." He looks away. He must be joking. He turns to face me again, but it isn't Adrian. Its Jake.

Author's note: Cliffhanger! I am sorry! We're you expecting Jake to be disguised as Adrian? Where do you think the real Adrian is? What do you think will happen next? Comment your answers!

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