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The guards leave the room and I am alone with the bodies of my dead friends and family. Their empty stares seem to look through me. I don't know how they died. This must have been what Cara warned me about when we first rescued Paige. She asked me if there was anyone I didn't want bad things to happen to. This must be the bad thing.

There is no clock in the room, meaning there was no way for me to truly know how long I spent alone with the bodies of the people I could not save. As I look from face to face, I realize Charity is not here either. Maybe the aliens have something against displaying the bodies of children even though they seem to think it is perfectly fine to display the bodies of anyone eighteen and up.

As the seconds or minutes or hours tick by, I slowly start to be driven by insanity and rage. These innocent people have been killed. My little sister has been kidnapped. I am locked in a room surrounded by dead bodies. What is the meaning of this? I am an ordinary girl, besides from the fact that I can remember my past. So many other people remember too. Why me? Why did they go through all this trouble to get to me?

Suddenly, the heavy iron door opens and I am not alone with the bodies. Or so I think. The person I see who walked through the door has been dead for so long, yet here they are. I am too shocked to say anything, to shocked to scream or yell or even blink. "Hello, Amanda," says the voice I thought I would never hear again.

Author's note:  Who do you think walked through the door? Comment your answers! Leave a vote of you liked this chapter! There will unfortunately only be one or two chapters left in Forgotten. I have no idea when I will update again and I am sorry.

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