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I ask Cara if she wants to help me look for more information about this neighborhood. Of course she wants to help, she doesn't like not knowing things about this place. We start to look around the house.

At first we don't find anything. We are ready to give up. I walk over to the bookshelf next to the couch in defeat. I scan over the books until I find one that looks interesting. I bend down to get the book. When I pick up the book, I make a surprising discovery. "Cara, you should see this," I say. She walks over to me and gasps. There is a hole in the wall hidden by a bookshelf.

"Let's go!" says Cara cheerfully. We move the bookshelf out of the way. Well, she does most of the work because of her strength and my injured foot. We walk through the tunnel in silence. It seems to be going downward, and it has many twists and turns.

Once we finally reach the bottom, there is not much to see. It is dark, but we can see another bookshelf, a bed, a small table, and a crate. Cara goes over to the bookshelf while I investigate the crate. I open the lid, and to my surprise, I find nothing but cobwebs. My foot aches and I think it is time to go back. I don't want Charity and Paige to worry.

Cara is holding a book. "Find a good one?" I ask her. "Yeah I think so. This one is called 'Harry Potter'. It looks pretty awesome, with dragons and stuff," she says. "Yeah, it's a series. I've read all seven books. They are really awesome!" I say. We find the rest of the books and I help her carry them through the tunnel. Once we get back I start to wonder if someone had lived under there. If so, why are they not there now? And what made them want to live down there in the first place.

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