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I always thought of the woods as another world. Living here now, it's not as magical. Its kind of creepy to be honest. Every noise from every woodland creature makes me jump out of my skin. It is easy to get lost here, I know from experience.

The first two days were the hardest. I had nothing to do to keep my mind off of Cara. Nothing to do to keep my mind off of Charity. I had no shelter, barley any water, and no food. I had a bag packed full of food and water. I gave it to Cara.

The third day I went out to look for a water source. I got lost. After wondering around for several hours, I found a house that has been burned to the ground. Next to it however, was a tree house in perfectly good condition. Well, the wood has started to rot in a couple of places, but other that it's fine. It works as a great shelter. I even found a few full water bottles and some canned food hidden on a shelf. The best part? It was hidden behind old books.

The night of the fifth day living in the woods, I found a friend. I was walking back to the tree house when I saw a box turtle about the size of my hand. I named him Creature. I've never been the best at naming pets. All of my goldfish growing up were named Nemo.

I am currently living through the seventh day in the woods. I already read five out of six of the old books. I just wish I knew where the alien headquarters is. And also I wish I knew where I am. I wish I knew where Paige is. I wish I knew if she is alive. I wish I knew how in the world I am going to save her.

Author's note: What do you think should happen next? I need suggestions! You are awesome and thank you so so much for reading!

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