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I am still dazed as the guard leads me through the hallways. I can't escape. I am going to die. I can't save Paige. I am a failure. I caused more deaths than I prevented at this point. Everyone else knows about the aliens now. They remember. Well, if it worked. It doesn't even matter to me. All that I want is for my little sister to be safe and sound.

I am led to a locked steel door. A little drone scans the guard's eye and then the door opens. It is a prison. There are cells with people who don't even look like people. They look like what once made them human has gone away.

The cells themselves are not what I would call welcoming. They are literally glass cubes with a toilet and a straw cott on the ground. The cells line both sides of the walls and I feel a shiver down my spine as my fellow prisoners glare at me as I am led to my cell.

I want to run away. I don't want to be locked here as long as these people obviously have. I would run away, I'd it weren't for the gun in the guard's hands.

I am pushed into my cell. I don't know how long I will be here. As the guard locks the door to my cell, I feel a tear roll down my cheek. This is impossible. I am trapped.

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