chapter six

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Where on earth am I suppose to take her?

I mean Lola is my cousin and I 've known her all my life. But the more I think of it the more I realized I didn't really know her. Her likes and dislikes are all something alien to me. Where then do I take her? The beauty saloon?

All this thought were going through my head as I waited in the car tapping on the steering wheel to a non existent music. My patience is fast running out and patience is what I will need if I was to spend more than an hour with Lola.

Suddenly I spotted her coming out of the house in a shimmering form fitting black dress and a green scarf wrapped into a turban on her head. The turban's presence I guess was in tune with the current fashion rather than modesty.

"Hello, hope I did not keep you waiting?" She asked as she slide into the car.
"Wa alaikumussalam, not at all." I replied
"Good." she said
" where would you like to go?"
I asked.
" I was thinking we should go to the spa and treat our beautiful selves."

I did know her after all

" And where will that be?"

" The one on Admiralty way at lekki phase one. You are gonna love it baby."

She did not just call me that

As I was looking for a parking space, I noticed a black Kia rio with demi's plate number and i suddenly remembered Ameena saying something about demi taking her to the spa this morning. On our way here, I had zero intention of going in, but just the thought of her seem to draw me in like some sort of cosmic force.

"Welcome to Venivici health club and urban spa. Said a pretty receptionist.
Please have a seat a staff shall be with you in a minute."

A staff wearing a blue tee with the spa logo approached us.
After the well rehearsed welcome speech, she went on to read out the services they offer;

Spa splurge
Executive retreat
Mud wrap
Peppermint sea twist
"We would like the executive retreat please." Lola interrupted.

"I am okay Lola, you just go ahead."

"Oh baby don't be such a spoil sport, besides it going to take long, what are you going to do?

Again with the baby

"I will be fine, I promise. My phone is with me." I said between clenched teeth.

Lola pouted like a spoilt child as she was led upstairs.

She's somewhere here

An idea came to me and I approached the receptionist.

"Excuse me please, my sister came in earlier with another girl could you please check where they are?" I asked with my most charming smile.

"The name sir?"

"Damilola A Adesina and Ameena"

"Damilola is roped in for spa splurge and um....Ameena Jafar Mahmud is in for facials." She replied with her eyes on the monitor.
" which of them would you like to see?"


"Okay she is in room two. It's down the hall, second room by your left." She smiled.

I thank her and head to room two. I said Salam and asked if I can come in. The service girl said its the facial room so it's okay.

The moment I entered, several faces covered in a brownish paste stared back at me and for a millisecond I wondered how I was going to recognize her until I heard her voice

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