Chapter twenty one

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Six days have elapsed since Alaja made that call. There was no feedback on the information she wanted and her patience is fast running out. Desperate times call for desperate measures and this sure qualifies as an emergency.

She wasn't going to take chances and allow her son to marry those prissy northern girls who think they are better than everyone else. What do they know about marital support? They are freeloaders who do nothing but rely on their father's wealth and when they got old enough, they do the same to their husbands. Bloody leeches.

The little tweet thought she could toy with her, with all the mighty talk about not marrying her son in a million years. If she thinks she could play her and get away with it, she had another think coming.

What bugged her more, was the look she saw in her son's eye. Its plain obvious the girl has him wrapped between her thumb.

"You look disturbed honey, anything bothering you?"

The voice of her husband broke her chain of thoughts. It was then she noticed she had barely touched her food. The whole table were staring at her.

"No, it's nothing important."

"Hmm." He said and continued chewing his food.

The sound of her phone filled the spacious dinning room. She glanced at it and smiled.

"Excuse me."

She walked out and went straight to her room and reclined on the comfy chair before she hit redial on her phone. She placed it on the ottoman and put it on speaker.

"What took you this long?"

"Sorry ma, I had been stalking him for days, but it's only today that I got to see where she lived."

"That's good, what more did you gather?"

"She seldom leaves the house except during the weekend and that too with company."

"Good...good, now listen carefully to what I have to say..."

"Okay ma."

"Do whatever it takes to get a hold of her. I want you to deal with her in such a way that, not only my son, but other men as well, will have no use for her... Use your imagination and I shall be generous."

"I will let you know when the deed is done."

"Well then, hop on to it."

She cut the call and closed her eyes feeling relieved. At least now her problem had been solved. She had used him over the years and he never disappoints. Mostly, it had involved threatening, coaxing and scaring people who stood on her way to achieving what she wanted. This is the first time a girl is involved and surprisingly, she didn't feel bad. She had come a long way.

"Where is the woman I fell in love with?"

The sound of his voice startled her, she was so engrossed in the call that she didn't hear him come in. He had been listening to the conversation all this while. After she regained her composure, she shrugged, after all she's not afraid of him, had never been. She knew his weakness, which is her of course, and she used it to a stretch.

"This is nothing that concerns you."

"It concerns my son, so it concerns me. It also concerns a girl as old as Saudah, so it concerns me...Fatima, tell me, where has your motherly love gone to? Why have you become so blinded by the illusions of this world that you have forgotten humanity, piety, love and compassion?"

How dare he! Her husband had never talked to her this way, he always respects her decisions. Even when they are against his better judgement, all he says is "I don't think that's a good idea." But today, all because of that wretched girl, he is calling her inhuman. She was furious, all she wants to do is to protect her son and that she would do. Even if it portrays her as a monster, not even her husband can stop her.

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