Chapter nineteen

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How can something you have recently discovered, become front and center in your life, its absence, threatening to push you to the brink of insanity?

It's four days now since things went haywire with her, but the torture of it can stretch for four years and it will still hurt. Getting through to her has become as easy as flying a plane over the Bermuda triangle and passing unscathed. She had refused to pick up my calls, refused to reply any of the countless messages I sent her.

Her absence in my life is slowly eating me like a disease. I know I can't take it anymore. How can something that brings so much joy hurt equally as much?

Although its the middle of the week, I decided to come to Kano anyway. I had spoken to Mr Kohli, the head engineer and asked him to keep things going until am back. I followed the direction which her sister had sent. We talked earlier this morning and I told her I had a problem which I wished to talk to her about and she had ask me to come over.

Deejah is a happier version of Ameena, she laughs easily, she jokes and teases a lot. Her husband joined us and sat close to his wife and they both faced me, waiting for me to start.

I told them we had a misunderstanding and now she is refusing to let me talk to her.

"Are you aware of the fact that she's been sick these past few days?" Her husband asked.

"Honestly, at this point, am not sure if she is still sick or she just wished to remain sick. You dont have to explain whatever it is that happened between you two, its none of our business. However what concerns us is bringing you two back together." Deejah added.

"Actually, I want to...I uh...I didn't know the guy from the album had a twin, I saw them together and I...panicked... I acted like a douche."

She shifted and adjusted her swollen feet and leaned on her husband chest into a more comfortable position.

"You mistook Salman for Salim." She said looking at me.

It was then that I learned how close they were before he died. It killed me to know that I caused her the pain of reliving his death. I told Deejah I needed her advice on what next to do. Initially, I wanted to call Saudah, but I decided against it for two reasons, one, been that she will not let it slide(that means endless blackmail), two, she will tell everybody about it, everybody meaning our parents.

"You should talk to her, apologise...and don't ruin it with an excuse. Just a plain ol apology, that's all. Its all a woman wants, but you men tend to over think things and make them more complicated in the process." She adviced.

"I wish you will use that last piece of advice yourself...would have saved me from a lot of have to get ready for that." He said the last part to Ahmad.

She just hmmped in submission, obviously not wanting to get into an argument with him.

"It sounds easy, but you see, she has this weired ability to render me speechless. Am sure I will blow it... Whenever I am with her, there is this feeling, I can't put a label on it but its there...almost overwhelming, all I want to do is bask in the joy of her presence, catch the sound of her voice, her laughter..."

"Awwwn." She said clasping her hands and bringing them to her face.

Her husband, whose chest she was lying on was making faces indicating that she was been overly dramatic. Without turning, she elbowed him on his stomach and he feigned pain. They all burst out laughing.

"We women are easy if you just take your time to know us." She smiled

"Don't forget to tell him the part where all women develop eyes at the back of their head immediately after they get married.

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