chapter nine

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I hardly paid much attention to the speed at which Jim was driving. My thoughts are elsewhere.

This morning, after saying good bye to some of Demi's family members,I walked out to where the car was parked and when I saw Jim waiting, my heart sank. This is because I was hoping to say goodbye to him.

I scanned the compound and even his car was missing. It appears he left the house altogether. I said goodbye to Malam Musa on our way out.

It would have been the Christian thing to do. A goodbye would have been like conducting a proper burial to whatever it was that we had in the last few days. But leaving like this makes it an incomplete affair, which provides opportunity for another meeting.

"You seem to be lost in your thoughts." Jim's voice jolting me back to reality.

" Just thinking of home." I lied.

"So, I guess we will be seeing each other soon, if things work out between the two of you." Jim said diverting his eyes from the road.

"I don't know what you are  talking about." I feign ignorance though I know exactly what  he is referring to.

"Sweetie, you don't seem to know me at all. One doesn't date a hundred girls and not know a thing or two about how they function."

"You dated a hundred girls?" I asked incredulously

"Nah... Just a guesstimate. You date too many and you lose count. Hey!  nice way of trying to change the subject." He laughed.

"Really Jim there is nothing between Ahmed and I."

"Oh...and I don't recall mentioning his name. You know...if you guys are trying to keep it a secret, both of you are doing a shitty job out of it.

You think nobody noticed how he was staring at you all through the engagement? Or how both of you were missing half way through the reception? Or how he's been acting lately?" idawa

" I don't know how you came up with all these theories but I assure you it's nothing. But if you do find yourself in Kano someday, you are welcome to visit."

"Are Kano girls as beautiful as you?" He teased


"Then I will beg Ahmed to set up a branch there and I will relocate." He laughed.

We arrived shortly and I grabbed my bag while Jim got my suitcase and we walked toward the terminal.

I froze when I caught sight of him. He was wearing a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and sunglasses.  the contrast of the dark shades with his skin made him look like a movie star. Jim's eyes trailed my gaze and he smiled wickedly.

"It appears Romeo has beaten us to the airport." He smirked.

Right now I can't put a name to what I am feeling... I am glad he is here, yet I am sad it meant goodbye, I am glad to say goodbye and put this behind me, at the same time, I am sad life works this way.

I watched as he walked up to me and something rose and stuck in my throat.

"Assalamu alaikum."

"Wa alaikumassalam" I swallowed hard before finding my voice.

I watched as he lifted his hand and rubbed his day old stubble before putting his hand back in his pocket.

"I am glad we get to say goodbye." I said.

"There had been an accident at one of our mining sites."

"Ya Allah! I hope no one died?"

"None.  Alhamdulillah, only two workers were injured, they are been treated at the hospital as we speak.
I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye."

"Alhamdulillah,I pray they get better soon."


In the silence that followed, his hand reached up and he stroke the side of my face ever so softly, I had to fight the urge to close my eyes and savour the moment. He removed his hand abruptly as if he touched something hot.

"Sorry... Reflex" he said while staring at his hand as if to reprimand it for what it did, before he shove it back in his pocket.

Even though I couldn't see his eyes, I could sense the pain in his voice when he spoke.

"I will miss you." He said in that cool voice that have the ability to thug at the strings of my heart.

I managed the fakest smile I could come up with and said goodbye and hurried into the terminal not daring to look back. I met Jim inside and hurriedly said good-bye.


Immediately I got home, I ran to my room and fell on the bed using the pillow to muffle the sound of my cries and I cried until I could cry no more.

An hour later, I took a bath and wore a short sleeved purple Jersey gown. And headed to the kitchen. mama will be back by two o'clock and I asked karima (our help) to let me cook.

I have always found cooking to be therapeutic. Whenever I want to get something out of my head, I cook.

A little later, I heard mama come in and with as much speed as my legs will allow me, I ran into her outstretched arms and and hugged her tightly. Suddenly my tear ducts reopen and I felt the warm salty liquid stream down my face and mama held me more tightly and stroke my back.

After I was done crying, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a tumbler and poured cold ginger drink and took it to her.

I found her slouched on the sofa and handed her a cup, after she drank she set the cup on the table and looked at me curiously.

"Who made this?"

"I did and I am making your favourite dish." I answered.

"Hmm...I am sorry I couldn't pick you up. We are having the mid term test and there is a shortage of staffs as it is."

"It's okay mama." I said while laying my head on her lap.

"So how is the bride?"

"She's happy."

Mama was stroking my hair and I closed my eyes. There used to be a time when I always made her do this but that had been a year ago. As my bun loosened, I heard her gasp.

"What on earth did you do to your hair?"


" nothing I said, ina Jin ma'askin dare ne." I added

"And he just decided to cut the hair by its length, how convenient."

"Oh mama I totally forget to go greet the rest of the house." I said jumping to my feet.

" oh Allah this girl is going to be the death of me. Baki gaida hajiya Adda ba?"

"That was careless of me. I better hurry before her royal highness cries bloody anarchy."I said in a fake British accent.

" language, Meenu."


I hated this name but mama has been calling me that for as long as I can remember. It sounds like a boy's, Ameenu-meenu. right?

"And don't think you are off the hook!"

I heard mama yelled as I hurried off.

Time to meet the royal household

Baba Alhaji's wife's name had been changed to hajiya Adda.

I hope u guys enjoyed the update


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