Chapter eighteen

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Tears were streaming down Ameena's eye as she staggered to her room. She fell on the floor, by the side of her bed and curled up into a fetal position.

Ever since his demise, she had managed to block the bitter memory from her thoughts and only dwell on the sweeter part of it. Saying his death out loud has taken her back to that faithful day...

Five years ago

Its Sunday evening and she was in her worst element ( she was being difficult and refused to see reason). Her mom had done all that she could to no avail, even Deejah had tried in her own way.

She was seated Buddha style on the bed and numb by linkin park was blaring from the speakers in her room.

The sound of ya salims voice as he salamed, made her do an 180 degree turn. He lowered the volume before sitting by the side of her small bed. He smiled at her childish act, she is eighteen but acts like a twelve year old.

"Hey." He said while cocking his head in other to catch a glimpse of her face.

"I don't want to talk to you." She pouted

He sighed and clasped his hands together. If only she had the slightest idea how he felt about leaving her, she would have pitied him instead of acting difficult. The only consolation he felt was the fact that she will be there when he comes back.

"Okay, I won't force you to talk to me, but at least turn around, so I could say sorry. Or do you prefer I get on my knees?"

She jumped at that.

"No no no...please don't do that...don't make me feel worse than I already feel."

"Okay, if you don't want that, then you have to smile."

"How do you expect me to smile, when you are going to the end of the world?"

"Come on, I thought you only had problems with maths but it seems your geography is bad as well."

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