Chapter seventeen

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Try as he may, Arif couldn't take Nadia out of his head. Despite himself, he had tried to apologise but she...God, he sighed as he ran his hand through his beard.

She was a feisty one. His thoughts always finds a way to drift towards her whenever he is alone. He knows he can't call what he feels towards her love, but there sure is something. He had to admit she had this honest, down to earth attitude he found fascinating.

He had tried to make amends but she wouldn't listen. Normally he would have walked away without a second thought but he feels a burning desire to know more about her.

Its been a while since he last saw Ahmad because he spent last weekend in Lagos. He knows even if he was coming to Kano, its always during the weekend.

He couldn't wait that long as the restlessness was eating him up. He then decided to give Ahmad a call which he picked on the second ring.

Arif: Facu

Ahmad: yo bro, shoot.

Arif: hey, can't someone just call his brother without any reason.

Ahmad: well, considering its in the middle of working hours, I guess it had to be something shoot

Arif: ah...its nothing how is uh...Ameena

Ahmad: last time I talked to her, she's fine

Arif: and uh...everybody?

Ahmad: (laughs) you know, 'everybody' does have a name right?

Arif: okay you got me there Facu

Ahmad: Why don't I send you her number, that way you get to ask her about everybody?

Arif: alright, thanks bro. But don't get any ideas in your head. I uh...just wanna apologise... again.

Ahmad: I know

With that, they talk some more before the call ended. He stretched his arms before checking his watch.
He had a board meeting in ten minute.

They had met a nine years ago in Princeton. Although Ahmad was two years ahead of him, they played amateur polo on the same team and that was where he got the nickname Facu, after the ten goaler, Facundo pierres who had gone on to become the world's no1 polo player.

The simple teammate relationship blossomed into true friendship after they discovered they were from the same country. Since they both lived in the same block, Ahmad often drops by his crib for food.

While Arif was an excellent cook, Ahmad was a lousy one. His first attempt at cooking ended up with a call to the fire department. That was the last time he cooked anything.


Amina felt happy as she went into Nadia's room. She had been avoiding her these past few days and now she's bored and decided to go and disturb her.

She found her sitting crosslegged on the bed, eating nutella from its jar.

"You look like shit."

"Yay, you 've just won an Oscar for bringing it to my attention. Go away."

"You wish."

She flopped on the bed beside her and snatched the jar from her hand.

"hey! What the heck. give it back, this instant! I tell you, my inner psycho is close by and you don't want to see it. Now, hand it over."

Ameena couldn't care less as she scooped a spoonful and popped it in her mouth. She closed her eyes.

"I swear, if nutella was a man I would have gladly married him." She mumbles between mouthfuls.

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