Chapter Thirteen

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Awkward situations are underrated. As I took the farthest seat from him, I was at lost at how to react to this man, a stranger and yet a friend.

In the back of my mind, I know I have to act nice for they are my visitors and my hospitality as their hostess will be questioned if I ignored him. If anything, he had been more than accommodating when I stayed at his house.

More than anything else I am sure this conversation will be awkward. After I greet his friend whose name I learnt was Arif and also a resident of kano. The friend excused himself and went out to take a call leaving us alone.

Where the hell is Deejah? Couldn't she have chosen a better time to disappear?

After the exchange of pleasantries and the usual so and so sends their greetings and how is so and so?, I ran out of things to say. suddenly the helm of my plain black veil became the most interesting piece of fabric I have ever seen.

"I like this, what's it made of?" he asked referring to his drink.

And boy, was i glad he asked something in my comfort zone. I explained how its made with millet and spices and lots of water.

"hmm...looks like you northerners have a thing for ginger and cloves. He said.

"yeah, just like your people's love for extreme pepper in their food." i chided

"There is nothing extreme about the pepper we eat. Its just a little bit above normal." he argued

"kanka akeji." l answered

" whats that suppose to mean?"


"what you just said."

"what did I say?" i feigned ignorance.

"I see where this is going. You won't like it if you get me started with my own language. He joked.

"So...whats with the beard?"

"You don't like it? I could shave it off if that's what you want. Just say the word." He said.

"what? No! I love it!...I can take it off if that's what you want...its not like its on my face...not that I can grow a beard even if I wanted you see, its all up to you."  I blabbered.

He started laughing and I cursed myself for that outburst. If only I could control my big mouth. But its just that he was looking so handsome and I am only human. I started to feel offended as he kept laughing.

"what's funny?"

"Its just that I was trying to picture you with a beard on your face..."

Now, it was my turn to laugh.

Amidst our laughter, I heard the sound of the door and mama walked in saying the salam. God, I didn't realise how time flew by. I was hoping he would be gone by the time mama comes back.

Now am sure I won't hear the end of it.

I just pray he wont prostrate the way I saw them doing, to greet her. But surprisingly, he squatted just the way we do, to greet her.

She looked surprised to see a stranger in our living room, but when our eyes met, I could tell it was a pleasant one as I could see the glint in her tired eyes and a hint of smile as I welcomed her home.

After she disappears into the kitchen, I asked him where that came from.


"The way you greeted her of course, what else."  

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