Chapter fifteen

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For rukypotter and babagana72

I was feeling good about myself. What will I have done without Nadia? She's my go- to- girl. Ever since I discovered her ability to fix things, I never looked back. She's my Olivia Pope.

I was listening to sky fall by Adele on my phone with no worries in the world while singing along at the top of my voice when the door to the room opened.

At first I thought it was Fadila but lo and behold! Who walks in but Nadia?
She looked furious and hastily began to remove her bracelets flinging them on the bed.

After the initial shock wanes off, I sprang to my feet and held her hand while she undid her veil.

"What the...whoa...stop. What has gotten into you?"

"Just go get ready and can kill me later."

The way she dragged her words with her eyes looking all crazy, I could tell something was wrong.

I felt panic grip me. what if something has happened to him? Is that why she looked so dejected and wanted me to go?

"Hold on...just STOP!"

I held her hands as she wriggled out of her dress. If something happened I would want to know. Whatever it is, I know it wouldn't be because she has screwed our plan.

"What happened?" I asked again

"I screwed up...ugh! I feel like hanging myself right now....But not until I hang that jerk first!"

Not Ahmad

"Okay I will surely kill you later, that's for sure but ..."

The beep of my phone was a welcomed distraction. I snatched it from the floor where it fell and I hissed when I saw Deejah on the screen. Am so screwed, that I know for sure.

"Listen, I have no idea what happened between you and Ahmad, but if I am going to minjibir, you sure as hell are coming with me."

"Oh, how I the jerk must be laughing... Oh such embarrassment... I just wish the earth opened up and swallowed me...wait did you just say Ahmad? ...even I wished it was him. Why did he have to send that...Ugh!"

"Its alright, ya isa.

"So if I get this right, Ahmad didn't show up and his friend came in his stead? Se kika mai rashin mutunci, and later you learnt you got the wrong person and felt bad. Am I right?"

"I wish that was how it went down. Besides, rashin mutunci? Is that how low you think of my talent? I had this elaborate plan where I would..."

"Save it. Whatever it was you planned got bumped by you. Now what's next?"

"You go."

"Malama, am not going anywhere without you. We are in this together."

"How can I show my face after what happened? I bet the jerk is feeling so full of himself right now."

It took a lot of convincing before she told me what actually happened.

"You sly, two timing, backstabbing tweet. You wanted to hang me at the alter but...

I couldn't contain my laughter anymore. I had to double up on the bed and hold my stomach. Poor Nadia, I felt sorry for her.

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