chapter thirty one

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What do you do when you hit Rock bottom? Of course there won't be anywhere else to go...except back up.

She have lost someone that meant the world to her, and it isn't the first. But like the last time she did, she is moving on, one step at a time.

She knows it will be a slow process, but like many before her who had been through what she did, or worse, she is moving on. This doesn't mean she is planning on going all sponge Bob happy, but she has decided to kick the murky water of sadness and self pity out of her bucket.

Who knows? The elders might have seen what she couldn't see, that was why they made this decision for her...or maybe like all human beings regardless of age, they too had made a mistake...but only time shall tell.

Eight days feels like eight minutes away as she stared around her room, not sure what to do. Her mom had asked her to pack the things she wants
before next week, but instead, she had been seated for over two hours, trying to put the pieces of her life back together.

The last voice she expected to hear in her room, gave her a start. He walks pass her and stood with his back to the window, the sunlight beam casting long shadows on his face, giving him a sinister look despite his many attributes.

She squeezed the pillow on her lap a little bit tighter as she watched him looking around the room.

"You don't really change much do you? It's exactly as I remembered it." He said.

"Feels like ages since I came in here...I think it was one of those days you used to feign illness when you couldn't have your way...they didn't see it, but not I Darling, I saw right through your lies."

Now he was holding a book she couldn't see because he had his back to her. She had decided to keep mum and watch him have a go on been a loony head.

"Actually now that I think of it, it's to my advantage, since am familiar with all your shenanigans." He laughed.

He stopped laughing and became sober, "I will advice that you leave them right here among these junk, because you know I don't take shit from anybody."

"Do I look like a toilet to you?" She said slowly.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, I have been taking shit from you since you got here and I said nothing. What do you take me for?" She asked.

"Listen Darling, am not here to fight you okay? Am just trying to be nice by dropping some few advice to help us live happily, lovingly ever after."

What is she getting herself into? She knows he's as bad as they came. But this tacky, cheesy Salman right here, is a stranger to her.

She would have told him to take his advice and shove it up his ass but she decided against it. He is not going to succeeded in getting her all worked up. He's not worth the energy.

"If that's all you have to say, the door's that way." She said

"Ah, thanks for reminding me. I wanted to know what wedding events you have in mind, so I could help with the prep." He winked

"If I knew of an event in a death funeral, I wouldn't have ran out of options." She replied.

This made him smile a bit. "Come on now, I know how you girls always want to show off your husbands to the world...especially if they are 'the full package'. Am giving you a chance Darling." He smirked.

"How about we make money out of it? A friend of mine works at the Zoo, am sure he won't mind making room for you in the primate's section...would be scientifically accurate too." She said with all the sweetness she could muster in her voice.

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