chapter ten

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The echo of mama's voice fades into the background as I hurried out through the back door and into the backyard. This is my most favorite place in the house.

The Alhaji Mahmud Jungudo's residence is a fairly large family estate comprising of a five bedroom bungalow which is the original house my grandparents built when they settled in Kano. Gradually, the house underwent expansion as their four children came of age. Hence, three bedroom flat houses were erected around the house. This is in accordance with the tradition that parents provide the first living place for their children after marriage.

Each flat has its own personal backyard which original intent was to be a garden but over the years it morphed into backyard due to neglect.

The only garden with turf grasses and flowers was the the one belonging to the main house which now belonged to baba Alhaji who has added some modern touches by including a gazebo and a water fountain at the center.

Baba Alhaji is the eldest of my uncles followed by baba Hamma, my dad and baffa Bello who is the youngest of them.

After the demise of my grandparents, baba Alhaji being the eldest naturally assumed leadership of the house. With hard work and good planning, he expanded the family business (textiles) into a multi million Naira empire. He has four children with his wife Hajiya Adda, Yaya Salim and Salman, adda Mona and fatima.

Baba Hamma has six children, Yaya kabir from his first wife who is late and five girls with his second wife Hajiya Amma.

Baffa Bello has two children, Maryam and Jamal with his wife whom we call Antin Maryam.

"Ameena! You two timing meenu!! You promised to send the wedding pictures but you didn't. How could you? I have checked all your profiles to see if you have uploaded any but all I saw are your annoying cupcakes." Nadiya fumed.

Nadiya is my cousin and the fourth daughter of baba Hamma. She is a few months younger than I, three months to be precise. She and I get along pretty well even though I was always involved in a skirmish with her older sister fadila.

"baki san yanda akewa manya magana ba ko?  And if you call me that again, I will make sure you never taste anything I make again." I joked.

"Truce, but you would have to show me the pictures. Pleeeaasse... "she begged making a funny face with her hazel eyes popping until she saw me smile.

"Alright but don't get your hopes up. There really is nothing to see...except for the couples of course."

At that she jumped at me and gave me a hug. Making me gasp as her seventy pounds body crushed me. She has always been the chubby one amongst us but she is still beautiful with her dimples and captivating smile.

She, Maryam and I are of the same age but she is the closest I have to a friend in my family.

"I miss you soo much." she squealed

"OK, you would miss me more if you squeeze the life out of me. " I said as I tried breathing while she held me.

"har zan manta! You remember that guy I was telling you about? The one Maryam had a crush on? "

"oho... Your course mate right? "

"yes him. Ashe dan iska ne? He and his friend tried to convince her to sneak out and attend a party he is throwing at a... "

"what! Don't tell me she went? "

"God forbid that I will let that happen. what part of 'tried to convince' did you not understand? "she ask quizzically.

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