chapter seven

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Up here is the lovely bride


People were running in all directions. Some are looking for something while others are trying to put something in place.

"Has anyone seen Abdul? His mom has been searching for him all over the house." Saudah asked as she poked her head into the room.

"Who here has a bobby pin?" Debby inquired trying to style her cropped hair while facing the mirror.

Alima has gone to the tailors to 'raise hell' an hour ago. Everyone is in a frenzy trying to get things done before the traditional wedding/engagement which in less than an hour.

"Anty Ameena, Anty Demi needs you downstairs." Said little bukky.

I rushed to find demi sitting in her mom's room. Her hair is beautifully done and she was almost ready except for the make-up. She was wearing a beautiful white lace and was staring at two necklaces spread on the bed. One is an Indian gold set and the other is a white and gold beaded necklace.

" which do you think will look best with the whole outfit?" She asked while staring at both necklaces like a child in a toy store.

"They are both beautiful."

"I know, but mom thinks the beaded one will suit me more."

"I think she's right." I said

"Thank you" she smiled

A knock sounded on the door and Jim said the Salam after demi asked him to come in. He came in wearing a white vest and trousers it was obvious that he is getting dressed for the occasion.

" Demi, I need that magic potion you girls use on your know...the one that makes spots invisible." he said rubbing a lone spot on his forehead.

"You did not just ask for a concealer?" Demi asked while we both try to keep from laughing.

"Whatever, I know what that thing does. You know how you girls just morph into something different from your original selves?"

" explain that." Demi faked a frown.

"I mean like having really dark skin and then voila! you become oyinbo?

"Who exactly are you referring to?"

"I don't know. he shrugged. Take Lola for example, after she morphed into oyinbo her skin was always flawless. Then one morning I saw her without make-up and there was a hundred spot on her face. I had to ask who she was and what she did with my cousin."

We all burst out laughing until tears welled in our eyes before demi told him to go and finish dressing and her make-up lady will do something about the spot.

"If that is all, I need to rush and get ready if I am to make it to my best friends engagement." I said.

With that I rushed out. On my way up I met one of demi's aunt on her way down holding a large box which I offered to help carry. As she handed it to me, I almost lost my balance, I mean the lady look somewhat in her mid fifties and the ease with which she carried it made me assume the box was not heavy at all, But man the box felt as if there is a corpse in it. So with all my might I heaved the box and started downstairs, halfway down, I missed a step and in trying to regain my balance the box slipped and I panicked and put one of my hand down to save whatever was in it, but instead it crashed on my hand and a searing pain shot through my arm and I screamed. I saw the lady quicken her step and people close by who heard me scream rushed to my aid. I bit my lips as an elderly lady touched my arm and I asked if I felt pain, to which
I shook my head and she then held my wrist and I moaned.
She touched it gingerly at first but as she added pressure to it let out a cry.
The lady said I had sprained my wrist.

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