Chapter twenty five

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Dedicated to the wattpadians. You guys are awesome, love you😘😘😘💖💖💕💕💟💞💞💝💗

Heavens did smile on one's fortune every now and then.

If not the hands of fate, what could have been a more logical explanation to the recent happenings?

Salman had listened to his father explain the need for him to make a sacrifice for the sake of his family. He had told him he knew how hard it would be for him...but if only he knew...

It had started when she was just a little rebellious kid who only danced to her own tune. In the beginning, it was plain attraction then slowly it grew into something else. He had tried getting close to her but like everybody else, she had also treated him like he was a nobody. She looked right through him like he was made of glass.

It had hurt him the most, more than how the rest of the family treated him, because he loved her.

He had watched helplessly as she became close with his brother. Her laughter, which he craved for, only sounded when his brother was around.

He began to loath his brother, he took everything away from him, his families love and trust. Now he took his love as well. The farther she went from him, the more his feelings for her grew, until it became something akin to obsession.

Gradually his infatuation turned to resentment, he began to hate her. He blamed her for his pain, for making him feel worthless. What was it she saw in Salim that she failed to see in him?

When his brother died, his hope was restored and he thought she will finally see him. But she went about as if he was also dead.

He made sure to always avoid their front door and enter through the backyard where he would hope to catch a glimpse of her.

He hated her, he hated her with passion. He wished he would have a way to make her feel the same pain as he did...or worst.

Now she was offered to him on a platter like a worthless merchandise that nobody wants. He had to put up an act to mask his excitement so as not raise any suspicion.

Come to think of it, it has provided an opputunity to kill two birds with one stone. He gets to finally have his revenge on her and at the same time, he gets a chance to win over his father by being an obedient son. So much for good luck.

He will make her beg for his attention, she will grovel at his feet and beg. He will ravish her body, every inch of it and satisfy his long standing lust. Just thinking about her being his in less than four weeks made the muscle around his groin tighten.

He got up from the sofa where he laid on his back musing on his fortune. He stretches his rock solid biceps as he reached for his phone. He dialled Stella's number and lazily informed her of his arrival in fifteen minutes.

He had been hopping from girl to girl until he met Stella. Whenever he meets a new girl, he gets excited about her, after sleeping two or three times maximum, she becomes a bore. What excites him in the first place is that uncertainty has a sense of adventure to it. But where is the adventure when everything becomes certain?

Stella is a calabar girl. They are known for their sexual prowess and she lived up to the reputation. As a result, he rented a two bedroom flat in her name and sees to her needs financially, while she sees to his other needs.

There isn't a promise of love between them. Just a profitable business arrangement between two civilized adults.

Now that his head is filled with the thoughts of Ameena, he needed an outlet to release his tension. And fortunately, Stella was there.

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