Chapter fourteen

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Mama sat by the bed with a laundry basket beside her, folding some clothes and putting them by her side. If she heard me come in she didn't show any sign of it.

During my rebellious teenage years, there were times I totally faked an apology, shedding crocodile tears and putting on the most innocent look I could come up with. But today is different, I felt remorseful and appalled by what I did. Even though it was unintentional.

The hurt I saw in her eyes made me feel like a dagger had been stuck in my heart and I find it hard to breath.

I knelt down in front of her and weave my fingers in hers. It was then that our eyes met and I saw them soften as she saw the tears in my eyes.

" sorry. Whatever I said...I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I am sorry for being a reason to make you sad. I am sorry for being an ungrateful brat who doesn't..."

"hey, heyy...its alright, don't blame yourself. Its not your fault...if anything, its ours for coming at you that way."

"No, I have no right to do what I did. Am sorry. Please, say you forgive me."

Mama untangled our fingers and used both of her hands to cup my face and lift it up bringing us to eye level and I saw a look in her eyes I couldn't read.

"I forgive you. I was not even angry with you to begin with. Its just that...whenever I look at you, I become afraid of what my eyes see."

She paused and inhaled, she looks like she's trying hard to say whatever it is she wants to say.

"whenever I look at you, I see lost hope...and broken pains me to know that I played a part in so sorry..." her voice broke and she couldn't continue.

No Maa please don't say that... I know deep down in my heart, what Allah has taken from us...he has return it three folds. Can't you see? he knew you are the strongest among the two of you, that's why he chose you to be with us.

You are three times my hero: my mom, my dad and my friend...I will be ungrateful if I asked for more..." I said the last part almost in a whisper.

A lone tear escaped from her eyes. It was all I needed for my floodgates to open. I straightened and hugged her tight.

At that instant, it was unclear who was consoling whom as we both cried in the comfort of each others arms.

A little while later, she ask me to go find Deejah. It was her own way of telling me to go make peace with my sister.


I woke up feeling rejuvenated. Its been a while since I slept in mamas room. Today, I felt special.

My only problem was how to avoid going to the picnic without hurting anyone's feelings. Nadiya was the answer. She's so witty she could come up with something smart in a matter of seconds.

When I peeked into their living room, I saw her seated on the sofa and I signaled for her to come out to which she vehemently shook her head.

Whats wrong with her? Where was the Nadiya who is so eager for gossips or latest as she calls it?

I walked in and nudged her whispering into her ear that I needed help and its urgent. Her sister fadila sat across the parlour typing away on her phone like its the end of the world.

"I am having a remote problem as you can see." she whispered.

"If your problem is so remote, I don't see any problem in it, as my own problem is colossal." I equally whispered

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