Chapter 8 [Finally]

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Zane's pov:

Finally Aaron and Aphmau aren't spying on me and (Y/N).

I walk with her to a restaurant as once we sat down we started to get to know each other more in depth.

After a few hours I get a text from Aaron as I sigh.


I blush really frustrated from him. (Y/N) laughs smiling.

"Did Aaron text you?"

"Yea why?"

"Aphmau texted me this"

She hands me her phone as I see her texts.


"So I guess they are still spying on us"

"Want to please Aphmau but irritate Aaron at the same time?" She smiles.

"Sure....what are you going to do-" I got cut off by her taking off my mask and kissing me gently.

We both hear a loud screech as I run as (Y/N) sees Aaron chasing him.

(Y/N)'s pov:

Honestly I sometimes I hate Aaron but it's better dealing with one brother then three. Anyway.

I get up paying for our drinks before heading back to the hotel as I see Travis running as he accidentally knocked me over into the river as I hit my head groaning.

"TRAVIS!" I said standing holding my head groaning as I released my hand seeing blood as I get out and walk to the hotel frowning.

Katelyn who was sitting on the couch with Garroth and Dante turns and sees me screaming.

"(Y/N)!!! WTH HAPPENED?!!!"

I didn't say any words as I just walk into my room to see Aaron tackling Zane as they both soon stopped panicking seeing blood.

"(Y/N) TELL ME WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED" Aaron yells as Zane grabs my towel putting it to stop the blood as I frown.

"Travis knocked me into the river on accident I think and I hit my head"

Aaron frowns before going to call the island doctor as I look at Zane.

Zane frowns in tears as he held me close as I kept the towel on my head as he rubs my back knowing it would calm me but it was him who needs to be calm. I kiss his cheek as he holds me tighter.

An hour passed

The doctor cleans the wound as Aaron and Zane stood in front of my bedroom door as Aphmau sits next to me in my room making sure I don't pass out.

The doctor leaves as Aaron follows him to talk about things.

I lay down in my bed frowning as Aphmau half smiles.

"At least the bleeding stopped"

"Yea bu-" I got cut off by Travis crying walking in.

"IM SO SORRY (Y/N)!!! I'm so sorry!" He cries as I sat up petting his head.

"You're alright Travis I'm fine I forgive you" I said smiling as Aaron and Zane walk in as Zane has ice for my head as he sits on my bed handing me the ice as Aaron sits on the ground.

"You okay sis?" Aaron asks worried. Wow he didn't call me sis in a while

"Yea I'm alright" I said before leaning back onto Zane as Aaron was about to growl until Aphmau climbed into his lap controlling him as he smiles.

Everyone soon went to bed except for Zane and I as I didn't want to be alone tonight so I had Zane lay in my bed with me.

I look up at Zane. "Hey Zane?"

"Yes?" Zane smiles holding me.

"Let's make it official please"

"Wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Oh yes I fricken do" I smile kissing Zane gently as he smiles.

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