Another fight and Father

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Rachael, Gajeel, Wendy, (Y/n), and Rogue were all sitting at ta table in the FairyTail guild. Rachael was glaring at Rogue ever so often she was still mad that he was taking her baby sister away from her.

"We better get going home. Come on (Y/n)." Rachael said standing up with an asleep Pantherlily in her arms.

"Come on Wendy." She added as Wendy also stood up with Carla in her own arms.

"Actually Rachael I was thinking about moving in with Rogue now that you two are getting married." (Y/n) stated. Rachael looked at her sister in horror and sadness.

"No I wont allow it! Your 13 for Mavis sakes!" Rachael exclaimed handing Lily over to Gajeel.

"So your going to be mated, you have a kid, and your getting married all at the age of 17! And by the way I'm 14 now!" (Y/n) yelled getting angry.

"Well when your 17 you can too, but for now I forbid it!" Rachael yelled back.

"YOUR NOT MY MOTHER! SO STOP TELLING ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN NOT DO! GEEZ NO WONDER NO ONE LOVES YOU!" (Y/n) shot a tree root at her sister. It went right through her abdomen and came out the other side.

Rachael's eyes widened as she looked down at her stomach she looked back up at a wide eyed (Y/n), everyone gasped.

Rachael coughed up a ton of blood and fell to her knees.




Was all she heard before she landed in someone's arms, she saw a blur of yellow then everything went black.

"Stay with us Rachael, your gonna be alright." Sting said as he held Rachael's unconscious form in his arms.

"Sting bring her to the infirmary quickly! Wendy go with him! Gajeel I'll need you to get some bandages and warm water! No one come into this room, even if you hear screaming. Come with me Elfman." Mirajane ordered and everyone nodded and got to work.

"Oh my Mavis what have I done! I might have just killed my own sister!" (Y/n) cried on her knees, her face buried in her hands.

"AHHHHHH!" Everyone tensed up when they heard Rachael screaming.

"Gildarts we need your help holding her down!" Mira yelled and he rushed in to help, his automail leg clinking as he ran.

Mira and Gildarts ran into the room where they saw Rachael thrash around on the bed in pain with Sting on one arm, Elfman on the other, and Gajeel trying to hold both her legs down.

"Grab a leg, we need to get that tree root out of her now!" Mirajane said as Gildarts ran over to Gajeel and held a leg down.

"Okay everyone on the count of three. One... Two... Three!" Mira ripped the root out of Rachael's abdomen earning another ear piercing scream from the girl.

"AHHHH!" Tears were falling down her face as Wendy started to heal her mother who was going pale from all the blood she was loosing quickly.

"Hurry up Wendy! She's losing too much blood!" Sting yelled tears in his eyes.

"We're losing her!" Elfman yelled.

"Stay with me baby. Don't close your eyes!" Gajeel said holding onto Rachael's cold, pale, tiny hands.

"Come on kid you can make it." Gildarts said. Rachael lost consciousness after that once again.

No one knew but the master and Gildarts, but Rachael was Gildarts' child but he had to give her up 15 years ago. He had found the king of the dragons named Vinarth and asked him to take care of her. Vinarth accepted and raised Rachael as his own, teaching her how to read, write, walk, talk, and of course every single dragon slayer technique there was. He also taught her how to use a bunch of other magic like; equip, celestial, take-over, card letter and eye magic.

At the age of three was when she met Sting and his dragon Weisslogia. Rachael and Sting became best friends but had to say goodbye to each other, over time Rachael forgot about Sting.

When Rachael was four Vinarth mated with the earth dragon Gaia, couple months after she found (y/n) floating down the river in a basket, she brought the child back to her father and new mother.

Gaia decided to raise her and teach her earth dragon slayer magic. The two girls grew up together.

Then at the age of seven and four Vinarth and Gaia disappeared just like all the other dragons did. (y/n) and Rachael had a hard time surviving especially because dark guilds and wizards were after their magic.

Then the incident happened 4 years leaving Rachael with dog like ears, tail, and claws, they had experimented on her and turned her into a chimera. Rachael had busted her and (Y/n) out of there, leaving the child she had given birth to behind.

Then four months ago the two sister joined FairyTail, fell in love, smiled, and started a family.

Now at the age of 17 Rachael was dying because of a tree root (y/n) angrily shot at her and hit her right through her body.

She was slipping away towards the light, she could almost reach it when she heard his voice, a voice she hadn't heard in forever.

"Come on Rachael open your eyes. Please sweetheart for me." The voice called.

Everyone looked at Gildarts weirdly, he shook him head and told them he would tell them later.

"D-daddy?..." Everyone looked at Rachael as her eyes fluttered open and stared at Gildarts who nodded.

"I'm right here baby girl, daddy's right here." Gildarts grabbed her other hand that was now warming up.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"DADDY!" They all yelled in shock. Gildarts scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah that's me. Guess I got a lot of explaining to do huh?" Gildarts said, "But first... HOW DARE YOU ASK MY DAUGHTER TO MARRY YOU WITHOUT ASKING ME FIRST!" He ranted yelling at Gajeel.

"No one knew you were her father so how could I!?" Gajeel said making Gildarts sweat-drop.

"Oh yeah, haha sorry bout that." Everyone fell to the floor because of Gildarts stupidity.

He then went on telling them the story of how he left Rachael 15 years ago with the king of the dragons.

"So when I heard there was a new member that joined the guild that was blonde with blue and brown hetro eyes and was a master dragon slayer named Rachael I knew it was my daughter." Gildarts explained.

"But why didn't you ever come back for me?" Rachael asked.

"I did, but I couldn't find you anywhere. Vinarth must have made a new nest before I came back." Gildarts said sadly, "But I never gave up looking for you after that either."

"Yeah we did move after Vinarth mated with Gaia, (Y/n)'s dragon." Rachael explained.

A/N: There you guys go the seventh chapter is up now hope you guys liked it comment if I should continue or not and about what you guys think about it. Thanks buh-bye!

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