The Sun, The Moon, The Truth

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"Sting I dont think I'm quite ready for that yet... sorry." Wendy said putting her hands in front of her to show Sting she wasn't ready.

"Okay baby, I understand, I'll wait for you to be ready for the next step." Sting nodded in understanding and went to kiss her lips which were a nice rosey colour.

"Thank you Sting for understanding." Wendy smiled into the kiss.

"Anything for you my little Butterfly." Sting smiled back at his mate lovingly.


Its been a week since Gajeel and Rachael have came back home and since Rachael told the news about her being pregnant. Now they were walking to the guild.

~Meanwhile at the guild~

"This may hurt a bit boys." Makarov said as he laid his hands over Sting and Rogue's Sabertooth guild marks.

The boys flinched as a stinging sensation overwelmed them from where their guild marks once were. The same thing for Lector and Frocsh happened as Makarov remover their marks as Rogue and Sting held them tightly.

"Mirajane, get these two little ones ice packs to sooth their pain." Makarov commanded.

"Sure thing master!" Mira said as she went off to get Lector and Frosch ice packs.

"Okay now where would you boys like you guild mark and what colour?" Makarov asked as Mira came back and put the ice packs on Frosch and Lector's back.

"My left shoulder and white." Sting stated.

"Same but in Black." Rogue said as Makarov put the guild mark on the two dragon slayers shoulders.

"Thank you sir." Rogue said as he picked up Frosch, rubbing soothing circles on her back with the ice pack and walked out of the Master's office with Y/n. Sting picked up Lector as well and followed Y/n and Rogue out just as the Redfox were walking into the guild. 

Sting set Lector down and ran over to Wendy picking her up, twirling her around, and kissing her lovingly earning growls from Rachael, a chuckle from Gajeel, and surprised looks from the guild.

"What are you doing here Sting?" Wendy asked smiling.

"Well I came to see you Butterfly... and I joined the guild, see!" Sting said showing off his new guild mark to his mate.

"Yay now we can spend more time together!" Wendy cheered earning a growl from her mother. Gajeel just shook his head at his wife and brought her to the master's office. A knock emitted at the door.

"Yes come in." Rachael and Gajeel walked into the master's office holding each others hand.

"Ah Gajeel, Rachael how are you?" Master asked.

"We have some very good news sir." Rachael explained with a smile.

"It wouldn't happen to be a child would it?" Makarov asked hopefully.

"You would be correct." Rachael smiled as Gajeel placed his hand on her stomach.

"This is fantastic news, have you told everyone else yet?" Makarov asked.

"No you and Wendy were the first two people we've told." Gajeel smiled as he wrapped his arms gently around Rachael's waist, pulling her to his side.

"Well congratulations you two on you're first child." Rachael flinched when Makarov said child and hurried out of the office and into the bathroom. Y/n saw this and ran off after her.

Y/n found her sister on the floor crying, her face in her arms.

"Y/n... I-"

"Shh... I know, I know." Y/n cut her off, she wrapped her arms around her crying sister.

"You haven't told him yet, have you?" Y/n questioned, Rachael shook her head.

"What if he wants to leave me, what if he doesn't love me any more because of it. I don't think I can live without him now that I've met him Y/n, he's my sun, my moon, my everything, and soon this little one too." Rachael cried harder.

"Wow, you're pregnant again congrats! He's not gonna leave you. Gajeel loves you very much. It's not your fault for what happened four years ago... it's mine. So if anyone is to blame its me, okay?" Rachael nodded, suddenly a knock was at the door.

"Baby are you okay? You've been in there a long time." Gajeel said worried for his mate. 

Y/n mouthed, 'Tell him' then opened the door for Gajeel and left.

"Baby are you okay?" Gajeel asked as he sat down on the ground and pulled Rachael into his lap.

"Do you love me?" She asked, Gajeel was shocked at this question.

"What kind of question is that?! Of course I love you babe." Gajeel smiled lovingly, hugging Rachael tightly.

"Ok, remember how I told you about what happened four years ago..." Gajeel nodded.

"I-I got pre-pregnant while I was th-there." Rachael started to cry again, "They m-made me pregnant then f-forced me to give bir-birth to the child... I-I didn't want it, b-but I had it, a-a baby boy." Gajeel rubbed Rachael's back soothingly.

"Where's your son now?" Gajeel asked.

"I don't know, i-it's been four years. I don't e-even know what he looks like n-now, and I left be-before I knew what his name w-would be." Rachael explained.

"It's gonna be okay Rach." Rachael just nodded as Gajeel picked her up and walked out of the bathroom.

"By the way I told everyone." Gajeel said as everyone gathered around the couple and asked a bunch of questions like:

"How far along are you?"

"Can I feel your belly?"

Gajeel just walked past everyone and went to go sit at one of the tables, when all of a sudden someone came running into the guild with a letter.

"I've got a letter for a Rachael Redfox!" The person yelled.

A First For Everything (Rogue x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora