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"Rogue what are we having for diner, my baby trees need food in my stomach." (Y/n) yelled as Sting came into the kitchen with only a towel on him lower region and was dripping wet, looking like he had just gotten out of the shower.


"But I don't wannaaaa." He whined.

"Do it or so help you, I will feed your soul to my children!" (Y/n) ordered making Sting run for him rom.

"Your a crazy lady! I don't see how your related to Rachael at all!" He yelled.

Then Rogue came into the kitchen and saw (Y/n) sharpening a butchers knife with a murderous smile on her face, he sweat- dropped. Rogue walked over to his lover and carefully took the knife away from her and set it down in the drawer. He put his large hands on (Y/n)'s tiny round face and bent down to meet her lips in a long heated kiss. Clothes started to fly... well on (Y/n)'s part they were.

"Ew come on guys not in the kitchen, get a room for that!" Sting came back in the kitchen only to get (Y/n)'s shirt flung onto his face. Rogue and (y/n) turned bright red as they put (Y/n)'s clothes back on her.

Lector came into the kitchen shortly after, Frosch and Casper following close behind, paw in paw, it was adorable.

"Yo what's for diner I'm starving!" Lector bellows out.

"FOOOOOD!" Casper said as he flew into Rogues arms, "I'm hungry daddy."

"Why don't we order pizza, and watch a movie while eating it tonight?" (Y/n) suggested.

"Alright." Everyone agreed.

(Y/n) smiled and waited for Rogue to come back with the pizza, she looked at the three exceeds who where chasing each other and smiled, she thought about what her sister said about Rogue and Sting joining FairyTail, and kept reminding herself about talking about it with them and asking them if they will because she felt weird being so far away from her sister, she has always been with her sister, she was always attached to her older sisters hip, going everywhere with her.


Rogue came through the door with the pizza, Casper and Frosch tackled him and (Y/n) giggled and took the pizza to the kitchen and took three slices and sat on the couch waiting for the others to come. Lector picked the movie they were gonna watch.

"So I was wondering Sting, if you guys could join FairyTail." (Y/n) said.

"No we're in a good guild." That made (y/n) pout.

"Rachael suggested it." Sting looked at (y/n) who smiled and Rogue who nodded in agreement.

"Weeell I guess we could." Sting smirked.

'She wants me.' He thought.

"Good I already bought a house, well a cabin, its four floors." (Y/n) said excitedly and skipped off to pack her things as well as Casper's and smiled.

"Rogue, Sting, start packing your things, we leave tomorrow morning bright and early!" (Y/n) yelled.

Rogue walked to his shared room with (y/n) and helped pack. Sting was daydreaming about Rachael while Lector packed.


"GOOD NIIIIGHT!" (Y/n) yelled as Rogue took her into his arms and fell asleep.

~Meanwhile at the Redfox house~

"How long are you guys gonna be gone for?" Wendy asked sitting on her parents bed.

"Two weeks or so." Gajeel said packing his and his wife's bags.

"That's a long time." Wendy pouted.

"Don't worry child, they will be home before you know it." Carla reassured the girl while Pantherlily nodded in agreement as he shoved a kiwi in his mouth.

"Don't forget you'll have me and Lily with you at your crazy aunt's house, along with the egg." Carla explained.

"Okay you guys, off to bed we all have a long day tomorrow." Gajeel said.

Wendy nodded and said, "Okay dad tell mom g'night for me when she comes out of the bath." And with that Gajeel kissed Wendy's head as she went to her room with the two exceeds.

Gajeel knocked on the door to the bathroom.

"Babe its me, I'm coming in for some things okay?" He said.

"Okay." A replie came. As Gajeel walked into the bathroom he saw Rachael in only her bra and panties on looking ion a mirror.

"What are you doing?" Gajeel asked coming up behind Rachael and held her hips while he kissed her scarred shoulders.

"Do I look fat?" She asked.

"No your beautiful." Rachael turned bright red as Gajeel slid his hands down. There was a shine on Rachael's neck where her guild mark is at. as it turned its sad blue colour to an embarrassed pink colour.

"Whoa, your guild mark just changed colours!" Gajeel exclaimed shocked.

"Wow it did!" Rachael said dumbfounded.

"It must change with your emotions." Said Gajeel.

"Didn't you need some things?" Rachael questioned.

"Ah yeah I did." Gajeel spoke as he went to the cupboards above the sink while Rachael got dressed.

"Before you go to bed go say goodnight to Wendy." Gajeel stated as he went back to their room, arms filled with his and Rachael's toiletries.

Rachael walked into Wendy's room and up to her bed where she laid between Pantherlily and Carla, who were cuddled up to her. She kissed the top of her head, pulled the blanket up, then left. She walked back into her and Gajeel's room. When she got in she saw Gajeel take off all his clothes then got into bed in just his briefs. Rachael smiled and crawled into bed with her husband. He slowly wrapped his arms around her tiny body, she laid her head on his chest as he pulled her close. Then they drifted off to sleep.

A First For Everything (Rogue x reader)Where stories live. Discover now