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The anbu black-op quickly made his way back to the Hokage building, appearing before Hashirama and Tobirama who were having a heated discussion. "Brother please! You know how that Uchiha scum is - he's not to be trusted!" Tobirama hissed as Hashirama sighed at his younger brother's words. "I've told you many times Tobirama! You have to give them a chance to -!"

*cough cough*

The anbu tried to be polite as he coughed silently, getting their attention.

"Wolf, what did you need?" Tobirama snapped as his patience was wearing thin with the conversation he was having with his brother who let out another sigh at Tobirama's brash ways.

"I'm here to report to you on what I've seen Tobirama-sama. It appears that your suspicions were right - Hayumi-sama is indeed meeting with the Uchiha." Wolf finished as Tobirama's eyes narrowed dangerously. Hashirama - sensing his brother's growing anger, quickly tried to calm the said man down.

" Which Uchiha ?"

Wolf could feel Tobirama's killing intent from where he stood as he tried his best to calm himself and answer the question.

"Uchiha Madara"

Tobirama's fist slammed down on the table, easily breaking it as Hashirama, who gave up on trying to ease his anger, merely started making a new one while grumbling.

"Of all the -!!! Bring me to them, NOW!!!" Tobirama, who was beyond pissed roared as the anbu mentally shivered at his tone before leading him to where they were.

"Fire style -" Hayumi sucked in a huge breath. 

"- Majestic Flame Destroyer!"

A huge wall of flame shot out towards Madara who returned it as their flames clashed before Madara's eventually won over Hayumi, who was running low on chakra. Hayumi slumped to the ground, breathing heavily before the smell of something burning caught her attention. She sniffed the air before looking to Madara who was approaching her.

"Tou-sama, is it just me, or is something burning?" she asked as she tried to locate where the fire was as the smell was extremely strong, almost as if it was on her - "!!!"

"Yes, you." Madara replied calmly as Hayumi shrieked before putting out the fire burning through her hair at the ends. She breathed a sigh of relief as it was put out, yet let out a huge sigh when she noticed the damage.

"Kaa-san's gonna kill me!" Hayumi grumbled as Madara, who now stood behind her, brought out a kunai as he began chopping off the burnt strands. "Tou-sama, what are you doing?" Hayumi asked curiously as she tried to turn her head - only to have Madara turn it back. "What does it look like? Fixing your hair." Madara quipped as he continued with his task while Hayumi sat still this time, humming a soft tune.

"There, done." Madara said before stepping back, admiring his work. Hayumi's once waist length hair was now shoulder- length as she grinned before tying it up. "Arigato tou-sama! It feels a lot lighter now!" Hayumi cheered before latching onto Madara, who didn't hesitate to pick her up and swing her around.

"Ahaha! Stop it tou-sama! I'm getting dizzy!" Hayumi giggled as Madara eventually stopped and smirked at her while holding her at arms length.

"Ne, tou-sama, let's -"


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