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Tobirama stumbled back from the shock as he heard Hayumi curse.

"Y-your eyes.......WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUR EYES?!" Tobirama roared as Hayumi, who had managed to deactivate her Sharingan, raised her head to look at him.

Tobirama was taking quick breaths as he stared at her dull, onyx eyes. Hayumi's face remained indifferent as she took on a defensive stance.

Ever since she was a child, Tobirama had loved her eyes. He loved staring into them as she played or talk with him - as rare as those were. It proved to everyone that she was his child ; his pride and joy ; his world.

"How could you just...." Tobirama was still in disbelief as Hayumi rushed forward, hands weaving signs at an extremely fast rate.

"Wind Style: Diving Tornado!"

She pushed her arm outwards as Tobirama was quick to defend himself from the attack.

"Earth Style: Dome barrier!"

Tobirama could feel the wind chip away at the barrier as he pushed more of his chakra into making sure it didn't collapse. However, just as he felt that the worse was over, a hand suddenly grabbed his ankle.

"Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu!" (Lmao anyone remember Sasugay?)

Tobirama let out a shout of shock as he was pulled into the ground, his barrier crumbling around him as a mountain of dust formed around them.

Hayumi walked over to him as the dust cleared, a smirk present on her face as she knelt down before bringing the kunai to his neck.

"Any last words?" she mocked, ready to deliver the killing blow.

"I taught you before.....didn't I? Hayumi........" Tobirama lowly muttered as Hayumi frowned, leaning in closer to hear what he had to say.

"Never underestimate your opponent until they're dead!" Tobirama finished as his head poofed away.

"A clone?! But how can a clone last that long?!" Hayumi shouted out in shock as she tried to sense for his chakra, yet found none.

"Got you!!!" she suddenly heard someone scream from behind her as she quickly turned around, her Sharingan activating as a self-defense mechanism as blood leaked from her eye.


"ARGHHHHH!!!" Tobirama howled as he collapsed to the ground, black flames dancing across his body.

"W-w-what....? W-why....." Hayumi whispered before letting out a piercing shriek as her right eye which had been bleeding moments ago suddenly pulsed in pain. It was a pain she had never felt before - not even when Madara had transplanted these eyes into her as she shut both her eyes tightly, grabbing at her hair and head as if to nurse away the pain.

"H-hayumi...!" Tobirama shouted as the black flames disappeared, leaving him with badly burned scorch marks on some parts of his body as his blue armour fell apart. He groaned as he stood with much effort before hobbling over to where his daughter laid, screaming her head off.

"Hayumi! Hayumi....! What's happening?!" Tobirama tried asking her as he held her close to him whilst she thrashed in his arms.

"MAKE IT STOP!!!! THE PAIN.........MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!" Hayumi screeched so loud, Tobirama felt his ear-drums ring as he quickly turned her around before knocking the pressure point on her neck, rendering her unconscious. Hayumi slumped into his arms as Tobirama embraced her tightly.

When was the last time he held her like this?

Her body felt so thin.....so bony..........had she not been eating well? Tobirama gently stroked her pale cheek that now that he's felt it, was extremely cold and looked like it did not receive any of the sun's warmth for a very long time. Tobirama hugged her to him even more tightly, relishing the fact that she was, once again, in his arms. He winced at the blood leaking from her eyes as he used his thumb to gently wipe them away, making sure not to touch her eyes.

After awhile of just holding her, he carefully picked up, putting her on his back as her head rested comfortably on his shoulder. He adjusted himself, making sure she was alright before shouting for his brother.

"Aniki! We're done here!"

Hashirama jumped down to his side as Madara stood opposite them, his gaze faltering before lighting up at the sight of Hayumi in the arms of his greatest enemy. "YOU! HOW DARE YOU!!!" Madara rushed forward as Hashirama, who had expected this quickly stopped him.

"Wood Style : Four Pillar Prison!"

Chakra-enhanced wood grew out of the ground as a few tendrils wrapped themselves around Madara, rendering him immobile. The others grew around him, forming a large cage as Hashirama then attached a seal on to it.

"HASHIRAMA!!" Madara roared as he activated his Sharingan and tried to use his Susanoo, but to no avail as the seal attached onto the cage continuously sucked out his chakra. "What is this?!" Madara frustratedly kicked the cage, thinking it would collapse but cursed when it didn't.

"What do you think Madara? It's a jutsu I've been developing recently. I was going to show you when I was done but......now I'm glad I didn't," Hashirama finished seriously as Madara continued to rain down punches and kicks on the cage.

"Let's go brother." Tobirama muttered as he began walking out, Hayumi dozing peacefully on his back.


Tobirama caused in his steps when he heard those words, gritting his teeth to hold in his anger as he turned to face Madara with the most fearsome scowl he had ; Hashirama shuddered at the look.

"I won't let her go back to you. You had no right to take her from me!" Tobirama spat as he jumped away, Hashirama following suit.

Madara's expression then turned into one of desperation as he tried every jutsu he had on the cage, trying his hardest to break it. The thought of that filthy senju laying his hands on her disgusted him.

She was his daughter now.

And he, her father.

"Just wait for tou-sama for a little while.....Hayumi."

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