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Tobirama and Hiruzen observed the battle from the sidelines, trying to decide on their plan of attack.

"Why don't we just join Hokage-sama on top of his wooden golem? That way, we'll be able to attack Madara while not get in his way," Hiruzen suggested as Tobirama was quick to shake his head.

"No, we'll prove to be a hindrance to anija instead. He'll have to protect the both of us which may lead to Madara gaining the upper hand." Tobirama shot down the suggestion, his eyes trained on his brother's every move.

"Then what can we do sensei?" Hiruzen exasperatedly asked as he scratched his hair in frustration, wanting to jump in and help yet not knowing how.

"We'll just have to jump in when we see an opening. There's no point in rushing in now and getting in the way." Tobirama commented after some thought, to which Hiruzen sighed to. He hated this part!

"Oh alright sensei...." he grumbled as Tobirama shot him a tiny smirk.

"You'll get used to it, Saru."


Hayumi huffed out in exhaustion as she leaned heavily on one of the nearby buildings for support.

Her wound was pulsing in pain with every step she took as she felt her legs shake with the effort she was exerting in just trying to stand.


Koharu and Homura dropped down next to the exhausted girl as they rushed over, looking over at the girl in distress.

"What are you doing out here? Didn't Tobirama-sensei said you shouldn't come out?!" Koharu chided, not knowing of the complicated relationship between her teacher and his daughter.

They only knew of her when she visited them during one of their lessons, coming to give her father his forgotten lunch box.


"Harder Saru! You're too slow!" Tobirama snapped as he easily blocked all of the young Sarutobi's

"I-I'm going as fast as I can sensei! You're just too fast!" a half-dead Hiruzen retorted as he finally collapsed backwards in exhaustion. His teammates - Koharu and Homura were doing no better as they both also tried to catch their breath from their little sparring session.

"Get up! We're not done yet!"

The three mentally cried as they obediently obeyed as they shakily got up before getting into defensive positions once again. Koharu was just about to charge forward when a loud, cheerful voice suddenly called out :

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