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"Hanase (let me go)!!" Hayumi shouted as she struggled amongst the bindings Mito Uzumaki - Hashirama's soon-to-be wife had made as she tried her best to summon her chakra forward.

"Hayumi, calm down. You're only making this worse for yourself." Himeko chided, reaching to stroke her head but stumbled back when Hayumi shot her a ferocious snarl.

"Don't touch me!!"

Himeko held in her tears the best she could as she placed both her hands over her aching heart, trying her best to calm herself ; she couldn't be weak here, Tobirama had said that Madara's attitude would have rubbed off on Hayumi but never did Himeko think it would affect her to this extent....

Tobirama sighed as he thanked Mito and his brother, who were standing by the doorway looking at them concernedly.

"It's fine brother. Go have your rest." Tobirama assured Hashirama, who reluctantly nodded before he and Mito left the room. Tobirama pulled out two chairs from the corner for the room as both him and Himeko sat by Hayumi, who was still struggling to free herself from the chains.

They were both unmoving for awhile, choosing to observe their daughter, who never turned to even look at them as she focused on the task at hand.

"Kuso!!' Hayumi cursed as Himeko gasped at the vulgar word.

"Hayumi! Don't-"

"Shut up! Who do you think you are to lecture me?!" Hayumi snapped as her patience was running extremely thin from being so vulnerable like this ; especially in front of the man whom she hated the most.

Himeko straightened herself as she shot Hayumi a glare of her own. "I am your mother, and you will speak to me with respect!" Himeko said with a ferocity Tobirama had only seen used at him when he was being extremely stubborn as Hayumi shut up immediately.


Hayumi then got back to ignoring them as she went silent all of a sudden, closing her eyes as she tried to save her energy to try and escape later on. Tobirama had so many questions he wanted to ask, yet didn't know where to start as he rolled those thoughts and questions around in his head before finally deciding to just go for it and ask.

"Your eyes........" he began as Hayumi cracked open one of her eyes as his voice, peering at him with her onyx orbs as Tobirama inhaled a sharp breath, continuing on.

"..........just what did Madara do to you?" he whispered as Hayumi scoffed before closing her eyes again, ignoring him.

"Hayumi, your father just spoke to you! Speak u-"

"If you don't shut up this instance, I'll burn you, even if you're my mother." Hayumi murmured in a dark, low tone as she somehow activated her sharingan and glared at Himeko, who's eyes widened in fright.

Hayumi hissed at the pain that followed, knowing that she didn't have much chakra to spare as she closed her eyes again, not wanting to overexert herself, or her newly implanted sharingan.

Tobirama draped an arm over Himeko as he pulled her close, knowing she was on the verge of tears.

"Hayumi........what's happened to our sweet Hayumi.........?" she softly cried as Tobirama felt his heart clench at her words. He too wanted to find out what had happened, but did not know how - seeing as Hayumi was being adamant on ignoring them.

Tobirama continued to stare at his wife for a bit longer before suddenly thinking of an idea as he leaned over to whisper to her.

"Himeko......do you remember the seal you mastered a few days ago? The one that allows you to read into another person's memories?" Tobirama asked as Himeko turned to look at him, surprise written all over her face.

"You want me to use that on her? I didn't master that jutsu just to do this to her!" Himeko refused as Tobirama sighed before trying to convince her again.

"I know you didn't, but it's our best chance of knowing what Madara has done to Hayumi and how to reverse it. Who knows? She might even be in a powerful genjutsu of sorts." Tobirama lied, knowing that was entirely untrue as Himeko looked at him with hope in her eyes, a wide smile decorating her face.

"Y-yeah! If that's the case then....."

Tobirama silently apologized to Himeko in his mind as he watched her weave the signs for the jutsu.

"Sealing : Memory tracker!"

"Hey! What are you-?!"

Hayumi barely had time to respond as Himeko stood up, covering Hayumi's eyes with her palm before pulling it back, a trail of blue chakra following as she carefully concentrated the chakra into her palm before closing her fist over it. Hayumi then slumped down, unconscious as a small seal, shaped like a moon with a line cutting across the centre of it appeared on her forehead.

"It's done." Himeko panted as Tobirama helped support her to sit down again.

"Will we be able to look into the memories together?" Tobirama asked as Himeko nodded, reaching out and grabbing his hand in hers.

"You ready?"


A blanket of white covered them as they felt themselves falling.


It's time for some Madara and Hayumi moments! Next chapter's gonna be kind of fluffy hehe.

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