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"Ne, Oka-san? When's tou-san getting home? He promised to play with Hayumi!" a four-year old Hayumi cheerfully squealed as she attached herself to her mother's legs, eyes shining with excitement at the thought of playing with her beloved father.

"A-ah....well you see...." Himeko started nervously, not wanting to be the one to break the news to her daughter as she crouched down to Hayumi's height before bringing her into a hug.

"Tou-san's coming back right? He promised! He promised!" Hayumi cheered as she clung onto her mother's neck, humming a happy tune. 

Himeko felt her heart drop even further at Hayumi's words as she gently released Hayumi's arms that were wrapped around her neck before holding Hayumi at arm's length as she gave Hayumi an apologetic smile.

"Gomen Hayumi....demo, tou-san said he won't be able to make it for your play-date......." Himeko gently broke out the news and quickly pulled Hayumi into a tight hug once she saw the tears form in her eyes.

"D-doushite? Doushite, kaa-san?!" Hayumi cried as she tried pushing her mother away, tears streaming down her cheeks as she began hitting her mother with her tiny fists. "T-tou san......t-tou-san p-p-promised Hayumi! H-he said.....he s-said....!" Hayumi sniffled as with a forceful push, Himeko finally let her go as she watched Hayumi run away sadly.

"Tou-san's a l-liar!!"



At seven years old, Hayumi was starting to get used to not seeing her father around anymore as she instead, chose to wander around outside the forests of Konoha. She was busy practicing her jutsu, wanting to give her father a reason to pay attention to her as she diligently worked hard every day. 

What she didn't know was that she had a silent stalker following her every day she came out into the forest, which was quite often as their Sharingan following her every move as they observed her training.

"Suiton: Suijinheki!" 

A small volume of water formed around Hayumi, who pushed as much chakra into the jutsu as possible to perfect it, yet to no avail as the water wall quickly died down. Hayumi let out a dejected sigh before sitting down underneath the very tree her stalker was on as she pulled out a piece of Inarizushi she hadn't finished from this morning's breakfast.

Hayumi was about to bite into it when she suddenly froze, hearing a low growling sound coming from above her as she quickly looked up, yet saw no one.

Meanwhile, Madara cursed from another tree as he nursed his growling stomach. It was apparently, a mistake not to take breakfast after all. When he saw that piece of Inarizushi, which happened to be his favourite food, his stomach has suddenly growled at the sight.

'How embarrassing!' Madara huffed as he hit his stomach, trying to calm it down before going back to observe her.

Only to find her unconscious.

Alerted, Madara jumped to where she laid - her body slumped against the tree trunk as blood flowed down her forehead. 

"What happened.....?" Madara murmured as he picked the girl up before proceeding to a little cabin he had built inside the forest. He brought her into his bedroom as he slowly and carefully, laid her down, not wanting to worsen the wound on her head before sitting down and continued to look at her once more.

Unknowingly, his hand had moved to pick up a kunai laying nearby as he placed the tip on her chest, the sharp tool just a push away from ending her life. 

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