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"Tobi?" Himeko called out as she peeked into his study room in their home, sighing at her husband slumped over his desk as numerous reports surrounded him. Himeko walked in and draped a blanket over her husband's shoulder as she picked up one of the reports and began reading.

'We deeply apologize, Tobirama-sama. We've searched the best we could, but there was no trace of Hayumi nor Madara Uchiha. We could not even detect their chakra signatures anywhere near the village.'

The other reports stated the same thing.

Himeko let out a tired sigh as she rubbed her eyes which had dark eye bags under them. She too, had also wanted to go out and help search for her daughter, yet Tobirama was adamant that she stayed put - saying that when he brings her back, the first thing she'll wanna see is her mother.

Himeko didn't question why Hayumi would not want to see him first as she was still in the dark about what had transpired that fateful night.

The night Hayumi left them.

It's been two months now, and Himeko's hope of Hayumi returning to them safe and sound was growing smaller and smaller.


Himeko could feel a tear slip down her cheek as she struggled to hold in her sobs.







.....please just come home................'


The next morning, Tobirama was about to step foot inside his brother's office when a sudden shout came from within, stopping him in his tracks as he sucked in a huge breath at the words that were spoken.


Tobirama then snapped out of his stupor as he dashed inside, grabbing hold of the ninja standing in front of his brother.

"WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE DID YOU SEE HER?!" he shouted as he shook the poor shinobi, who was trying his best to get Tobirama to let go of him.

"Ack! Tobi let go! You're killing him!" Hashirama squeaked as he separated the two before shooting an apologetic glance towards the poor shinobi.

"Gomen, Ruha. Tobirama was just.......overexcited." Hashirama finished lamely as Tobirama trid to compose himself, despite wanting desperately to know where his daughter was.

"I-It's ok, Hashirama-sama. I understand." Ruha smiled nervously as he shot quick glances at Tobirama, who was still staring at him.

'Why does it feel like he want to eat me alive....?' Ruha thought, sweatdropping as Tobirama's stare only intensified.

"Anyways, ignore my brother, Ruha. Getting back to the topic at hand, where did you last see Hayumi?" Hashirama asked seriously. Tobirama was about to smack Hashirama for dissing him like that but decided to hold it in for the moment, wanting to hear what the man had to say.

"I-I can't be sure if it really was Hayumi-sama but......I did see a glimpse of fiery red-hair when I passed by the land of tea near here. I can't be sure if it really is Hayumi-sama though....." Ruha commented nervously at the end as Tobirama wasted no time in turning around and leaving the office.

"Tobi! Wait!!! Oh for -!!" Hashirama muttered exasperatedly as he quickly thanked Ruha before grabbing a bunch of scrolls by his desk while grumbling.

"Honestly, why does he never listen to me?! I'm the elder brother here! Stupid Tobi!"

Ruha sweatdropped at the scene as Hashirama gave him a quick wave before leaving in pursuit of his brother.


They both reached the land of tea after two days worth of travelling as Tobirama tried to sense for Hayumi's chakra, but to no avail. Just as he was feeling down again, Hashirama placed his hand on his shoulder as he shot his younger brother an encouraging grin.

"Don't give up yet. We haven't even begun our search yet!" Hashirama quipped as Tobirama nodded, feeling thankful for his elder brother for being there with him. They walked around for some time, asking the villagers if they had seen a girl with red hair, or a man with long, spiky hair to which they shook their heads to.

Tobirama's previous excitement at seeing his daughter again had gone down the drain as the two trudged towards the gate. Just as they were about to walk through, they suddenly found themselves immobilised as they struggled to move.

"Well well well......"

Madara dropped down in front of them, a smirk present upon his face.

"What do we have here?"


lmfao I just love that gif of Madara. He's like - "Yes b*tch?"

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