[ 16 ]

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A few days passed peacefully as Himeko continued to frequently check on her daughter while also worrying for her husband, who had been absent from the room ever since they came back from seeing into her memories.

Hayumi's hatred and animosity towards him must have hurt him deeply for it to affect him like this ; Himeko's never seen him like this before, it was truly worrying. 

Hashirama himself was extremely perturbed by his little brother's behaviour, and was constantly trying to get Tobirama to tell him what's wrong, to which Tobirama always snapped at - telling him it was none of his business.

Now, Hashirama wasn't usually one to lose his temper - in fact, he's never lost it at all! But Tobirama really was pushing his buttons by not telling him what the problem was, especially since Hashirama could see that it was taking a toll on him and his body.

So one day, the moment Tobirama stepped foot inside his brother's office, Hashirama barricaded the door with his wood as Tobirama let out a tired sigh, knowing what was to come. 

"Anija, what do you think you're doing?" Tobirama asked frustratedly as he placed the documents that needed his brother's approval from on his desk, having sorted through them for him so that all it needed was his signature. "You're delaying my work."


The said man let out a non-noticeable flinch at his brother's tone of voice and the way of which he had called out his name. His brother rarely calls him by his full name, opting to call him "Tobi" most of the time. He knew that his brother was serious as he addressed him.


"I do not have time to -!"


Hashirama repeated, letting his chakra flare out a little as Tobirama groaned silently before obediently following his brother's instructions and sitting down on the chair in front of his desk.

"What is it brother? And be quick - I have more important matters to attend to after this." Tobirama snapped, his patience running thin as Hashirama sat down in front of him, clasping his hands together before placing them on his desk.

"Tobi.......what exactly has happened to Hayumi?"

Hashirama knew he had hit a sore spot the moment his brother's face twisted into one of dejection and pain before it swiftly switched to one of his usual looks - composed calmness as he regarded Hashirama with cold eyes.

"Nothing that you need to concern yourself with anija. Now please, let this go." Tobirama murmured, and was about to stand up when he was dragged down by the coil of wood around his left arm.


"Answer my question Tobi." Hashirama continued seriously, not willing to let this matter go since he knew his little brother will only continue to prolong the problem until it became unsolvable.

"No! Now please just leave this a-!! Anija!!" Tobirama shouted as coils of wood proceeded to wrap themselves around his legs on the chair as his right arm was strapped to his side too. 

"Tobirama....." Hashirama warned as Tobirama growled, not liking the situation he was in before finally spitting it out.

"Hayumi doesn't think of me as her father anymore! Are you finally satisfied now brother?!" he roared as he struggled to free himself from the chakra-enhanced wood, growling in vexation when he couldn't.

"I should have known this was coming...." Hashirama's low muttering made Tobirama whip his head around to look at him.

"What do you mean by that?"

Hashirama got up from his seat as he walked towards one of the shelves in his office, concentratedly looking for something and smiling when he did.

It was a thick book of sorts as Tobirama stared at his brother peculiarly, wondering why he had been so intent on finding it.

Hashirama pulled out a small sheet of paper before handing it to Tobirama, allowing the coil of wood on his right arm to slacken slightly so he could take it.

'Uncle Hashi! Why are you always keeping tou-san with you? Hayumi feels very lonely. Can you please let tou-san have a day off tomorrow, uncle Hashi? It's going to be Hayumi's first day at the academy! Oh, but you're also welcome to come if you want to, the more the merrier! So...please let tou-san know about this ok? I would tell him myself but tou-san's never home now ; you're the only one who can tell him! Thanks uncle Hashi! ^^'

The note ended there.

To say Tobirama felt horrible was the understatement of the year as he wished he could just bury himself into the ground.

"You never went......did you?" Hashirama mused as he walked to stand in front of his open window, which had the best view of the thriving village as people bustled about. "I even remember specifically telling you that this was important........why do you always disregard my words Tobirama?" Hashirama questioned sadly before turning to look at his silent little brother, who stared at the piece of paper repentantly.

"I was busy wrapping up paperwork that were due soon......I didn't....."

"You should have known this meant a lot to her Tobi. Hayumi almost never asks me for anything." Hashirama chided as he let the wood retract from his brother completely, who surprisingly sat still, clutching at the note.

"You've got to make this right somehow Tobi, otherwise, you'll lose her forever." Hashirama said seriously as he placed a comforting hand on Tobirama's stiff shoulder.

"But I've already.....lost her.........she hates me now, doesn't see me as her father anymore....." Tobirama murmured vulnerably as he thought about the scenes he had witnessed a few days prior.

"Do you really think Hayumi would hate you that much?  No matter what, you're still her father! The one who raised her up when she was a child ; the one who taught her how to walk, talk and more ; the one who gave her life! I think Hayumi's confused - confused as to if you really thought of her as your daughter at all. She's only turning to Madara for affection and love because you've failed to give that to her. Deep down, I know she still holds you dearly in her heart." Hashirama firmly said, secretly thinking that this was most probably the most inspiring speech he's given as Tobirama looked up at him, the tiniest of hope shining in his eyes.

"Anija.......I hope you're not just saying this to make me feel better......" Tobirama finally said as he stood, back facing his brother, who let out a soft smile at his younger brother.

"You know I wouldn't lie to you Tobi," Hashirama called out affectionately as Tobirama nodded before making his exit, going back home.


2 chapters in 3 hours - I'm happy :)

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