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Nonetheless, he found himself moving forward as if in a trance, his lustreless red eyes squinting slightly as he walked into the bubble, the blinding light overwhelming him as he shut his eyes.


Tobirama's eyes snapped open as he whipped around, coming to face with a 5 year old Hayumi, who was holding a teddy bear and smiling at him innocently, her red hues shining mirthfully as her lips were pulled up in a cheeky grin.

"H-hayumi....?" Tobirama whispered brokenly as he slowly reached for her, his arm shaking at his apprehension that this was another scheme to break him. 

Tobirama Senju could face hundreds of ninjas without a hint of fear ; kill without remorse or mercy ; instill fear into his enemies with just a glance.

But when it came to his daughter..........his Hayumi.................his brave and proud little Senju..........

He was a broken man.

His hand stopped just short on top of her head, his eyes staring uncertainly at the red hair that seemed to glare back at him.

"Are you an illusion too?"

He brought his hand downwards on top of her head......

........and felt warm, soft hair. 

Tobirama let out a choked cry as he immediately pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly as he buried his face into her hair that smelled of vanilla and sweet spices. He could feel her small arms wrapping around him as he lifted her up before running a hand across her face, still not believing that this is real.

"Papa? Daijobu? Why are you crying?"

The word papa, that was never used ever since she was four years old since they had grown distant brought tears to his eyes.

Tobirama Senju was not weak ; he never, ever cried, he refused to.

So what were these wet droplets running down his cheeks? It was cold and foreign - he hated it.

He stiffened at the sensation of small fingers wiping away the tears, as Hayumi showed him her signature, close-eyed grin that made everyone around her fall in love with her.

"Don't cry papa! Hayumi doesn't like it when papa cries, it makes Hayumi sad too!"

Tobirama felt his heart clench at the sweet words his daughter were saying to him in such an innocent tone - such a carefree tone.

"So.....please always smile! That way, we can be happy together! Ok?"

He tried his best to force out a smile as he began walking around, carrying his daughter about as he enjoyed looking at the ever-changing expressions on her childlike face. It's been so long since he saw them.......since she was but a child that always looked at him in admiration ; in love......and not hate.


Her quiet tone brought Tobirama out of his thoughts as he turned to her, giving her his full attention.

"If I fall..........you'll promise to catch me..........right?" she asked hesitantly as she toyed around with the fabric of his shirt.

"You know I will." he assured as he gave her one of his rare soft smiles he only showed to her and Himeko.

Hayumi leaned in to whisper something in his ear, his eyes widening at the word - 



With a poof, Hayumi was gone.

"Hayumi?!" Tobirama shouted out in alarm when another image visualised in front of him as he stepped forward, wanting to know what it was.

Tobirama's Daughter - NarutoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora