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"Chotto! Tou-sama!"

The katana was a centimetre away from slicing into Tobirama's head as Madara turned to look at Hayumi who was walking towards him, giving her a questioning glance.

"Killing him here won't be satisfactory. I'm more than happy to know that I was able to overpower him. Let him live.......he'll be a good punching bag in the future." Hayumi muttered as Madara laughed at her words.

"You should be grateful you're still useful to her senju! Otherwise you would've been dead." Madara hissed as he thrust Tobirama's katana next to him. However, while Madara had been mocking him, Tobirama's gaze never left his precious red-headed daughter, who continued to stare at him coldly.

Those red eyes that used to stare at him with such warmth......

Those red eyes which used to look at him with unconditional love.......

Those red eyes that meant the world to him....

Madara took hold of her hand as Hayumi broke away from staring at him as she walked along side Madara, heading into the forest. 

"Hayumi! Don't-!" Tobirama shouted after her, stretching him arm out as if trying to grab her as Hayumi turned to look at the man she once regarded as her father.......for the final time.

"Consider your life as mercy on my part....." she murmured as she took off her senju robe she had been wearing this whole time. It slowly fluttered to the ground as Hayumi turned and began walking again.

".........the next time we meet, you'll die by my hands."


Tobirama continued to stare at the duo's back as he slowly and with difficulty, crawled to where Hayumi's robe laid. He could feel tears gathering in his eyes as he slowly sat up and fingered the fabric.

"Hayumi.....I-I'm so......."

He stuttered as he felt something wet land on his hand, yet there was not a cloud in sight. 

".....sorry.....I've failed you."

Tobirama hugged the piece of fabric tightly to his chest, clutching it as if it was his lifeline.

His daughter....................................his Hayumi...................his light........................."














Had left him.


Himeko Uzumaki was worried sick as she continued to run towards where Hashirama had said Tobirama was going to, with him by her side.

They finally reached the clearing and was shocked to see on what looked to be a battle as the area was totally trashed.

"Tobi!!" Himeko let out a shout of worry at the sight of her injured husband as she ran to his shaking form.

"What happened?! Are you hurt?!" Himeko asked as Tobirama kept silent ; Himeko noticed a few droplets of water on his pants as she peered up at her husband worriedly.

"Tobi?............Where's Hayumi?" she finally asked as Tobirama's response was to tighten his hold on the object in his hands. 

She gently pried his hands away as he let her. It was then that she heard the quiet, continuous mumble he was whispering.


Himeko was anxious now - she's never seen her husband like this before ; he was shaken up very badly. She then looked at the object he had been holding onto so dearly.

It was Hayumi's robe.

Himeko let out a strangled cry as she immediately scanned her surroundings for any signs of her precious daughter.


Tobirama pulled her into his embrace as Himeko clung onto him tightly, crying loudly as Hashirama stared at the couple sadly. 

Hashirama could only guess at what's happened from knowing his brother and Hayumi's already fragile bond. But the question was, who had she left with?

Hashirama walked around the tree line, looking for anything that could pin point where Hayumi had gone to when he found footprints.

Two sets of footprints.

He then crouched down to examine them. The bigger footprint looked extremely familiar....but whose was it? 

Hashirama racked his brain to come up with an answer, thinking of everyone he knew when at last, everything came crashing down to him as it clicked.

'Madara.........don't tell me you......'

He looked back to his brother who met his gaze. He held it for awhile before dropping his gaze to Himeko, stroking her hair to soothe her as it only served to confirm Hashirama's fears.

Hayumi has left with Madara.

Hashirama has known that Madara had intentions to leave but never would he think it would be this soon. He thought he had time..............time to convince him to stay.

But now, he realised that he had no time at all as when Madara left........

..........he had taken his brother's whole world with him.


Woah, it's been so long since I updated this book! There are no words to describe just how grateful I am for those of you who are still reading. Y'all are amazing and I love you very much :')

I'll try to update at least 2 chapters a week, or even more when I'm free. If I'm busy, I'll be sure to limit it down to at least one chapter per week! But rest assured that I'm going to finish this book.........one way or another, hehe.

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