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Tobirama grit his teeth in frustration as he tried his best to keep a cool head, despite desperately wanting to throttle the man standing in front of them. Hashirama though, looked ecstatic to see him.

"Madara! Where have you been?! Do you know how long we've been looking for you?" Hashirama told his friend, who merely scoffed at his words.

"Shut up Hashirama, you're annoying."


*DONGGGG* (lmao y'all remember the sound effect when Hashirama gets all depressed-like? Yeah this is it)

Hashirama immediately dropped into one of his extremely depressed moods as Tobirama facepalmed at his brother's antics. "Now is not the time for this! You! What have you done with Hayumi?!"

"That.......... is none of your concern," Madara mused as he brought out his katana that was attached to his hip, pointing the tip of it at Tobirama's chest. 

"To think that you would fall into such a stupid trap.......it's almost laughable really." Madara mocked as he pushed it in. 

"Hrkk!" Tobirama let out a gasp of pain as he coughed out blood, letting out a loud groan of pain as the sword was then swiftly pulled out.

"Tobi!!" Hashirama shouted as he tried his best to weave signs.

"Wood Style: Laughing Buddha Jutsu!"

A pair of wooden hands emerged from the ground as it encased Madara, squeezing him. 

"I don't think so." Madara murmured as with a flick of his hand, the wooden hands immediately let him go before wrapping themselves around Hashirama.


Hashirama managed to choke out as he tried to undo the jutsu, but to no avail. 

"This.......must.........gen........jutsu..........." Tobirama heaved as he formed the seal whilst struggling not to pass out from his wound. 


Their surroundings changed almost immediately as the two brothers collapsed, each trying to catch their breath whilst Madara continued to smirk at them. 

"Not bad Hayumi, you managed to fool them for a good 5 minutes. An admirable feat." Madara complimented as Tobirama's head snapped up at the name.

"Arigato, tou-sama." a small voice came from behind them as a small figure walked towards them, wearing a cloak with a hood pulled over their eyes as they grasped a bunch of bandages in their hands.

"Hayumi?! Is that you?" Tobirama hopefully asked as he struggled to right himself, shaking off the after effects of the genjutsu. However, the cloaked figure ignored him as Madara walked towards them. 

"Hey now, didn't I tell you to keep the bandages on? Your eyes need time to heal." Madara tutted as he grabbed the bandages from their hands before pushing down their hood and tying it around their head. Tobirama could just manage to glimpse the fiery red-hair he had missed so much these past few months before Madara blocked her from his view.

"Gomen, tou-sama. I just don't like this feeling.....not being able to see...." Hayumi murmured softly as Madara ruffled her hair, an adoring grin present upon his face. Whether it was real or if it was intentional to rile him up, Tobirama will never know.

"Ah, honestly. You'll have to keep them on for another day or so. Then you can finally take them off." Madara said as Hayumi nodded, listening obediently to her father's words. 

"Hayumi! What did he do to your eyes?!" Tobirama asked, alarmed as he tried to walk over to his daughter. However, he was forced to jump back as two kunai pierced the ground on which he had just been standing moments before.

"Oh? Well done Hayumi." Madara praised as Hayumi slowly lowered her arm ; reaching back to pull out her katana from its sheath. 

"Tou-sama, allow me to handle Tobirama. You and Hashirama can have your fun." Hayumi quipped as Madara let out a full-blown laugh at her daringness. 

"Well, let's go then Hashirama!" Madara shouted as they clashed.

"You...! Aren't you afraid of her getting hurt?!" Hashirama shouted as they met each other, blow for blow.

"I am highly confident in her abilities - I have personally trained her myself after all. And besides....I know that Tobirama can't bear to hurt her, so that will be an easy battle!" 

Hashirama grit his teeth in frustration as he had to acknowledge that Madara was right ; there was no way his brother would ever hurt his precious daughter, he'll have to keep a close-eye on their battle.

"You should be focusing on me Hashirama! Your attacks are so sloppy!" Madara taunted as he pushed forward.

Meanwhile, Hayumi was silent as she held her katana in front of her, sensing the air around her for any change and keeping a close track of the chakra signature of the man in front of her as she prepared to attack.

"Hayumi........what did he do to your eyes?" Tobirama softly asked, not wanting to provoke his daughter as he pulled out a kunai just in case she decided to make her move. Hayumi still did not answer him as she ran towards him whilst he pulled his kunai up for defense.

"Shinobi should not be exchanging pleasantries in battle. You should know that better than anyone - Tobirama Senju!" Hayumi growled as she aimed a kick at Tobirama's abdomen, to which he dodged.

His heart hurt

It felt like breaking.

Did she not see the point of addressing him as her father anymore? Did he really mean nothing to her anymore?

He snapped out of his thoughts when a huge wall of fire was sent his way.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Destruction!"

"Water Style: Rising Water Shockwave!"

The two elements clashed as smoke then enveloped the area. Tobirama kept his guard up, trying to sense her chakra when he felt movement next to him.

He was quick to deflect her sword that was about to pierce his heart as with his free hand, he ripped away the bandages covering her eyes.


A uniquely tethegram-shaped Sharingan stared back at him.

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