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Tobirama quickly ran towards Madara, trying to grab Hayumi from him when his surroundings changed once again. He picked himself up before staring around at his surroundings in confusion. Where was this place?

It was dark and stuffy, with no light coming through as darkness surrounded him from all sides. He began walking as he tried to make sense of where Madara had brought him this time. It was supposed to be somewhere from Hayumi's memories right?

But if Hayumi has ever visited such a place, he would have scolded her and pulled her out in an instant - telling her to never succumb to the darkness inside her heart. After walking for awhile and getting extremely fed up, he was about to shout for the Uchiha when he heard something.


Was someone crying?

Tobirama tried to locate the source of the crying as he continued to look around him, but there was nothing ; only darkness. Then, the crying got louder ;  he began running as panic began to settle in his heart - it was Hayumi!

He didn't know where he was running off to - only knowing that he had to get to his daughter in time. Some time later, he finally spotted her.

A girl was kneeling on the ground, her body shivering as she continued to sob.

"Hayumi! Don't worry, I'm he -"


He stopped in his tracks when he saw who it was.

Madara kneeled by the crying girl as he comfortingly stroked her back, hushing her. Tobirama could barely believe what he was seeing. Madara looked so gentle as his eyes shone with sadness at the child that was bawling before him ; honestly, Tobirama had thought that Madara was the type to hate children.

Hayumi finally took a peek to see who it was before jumping straight into Madara's arms, with no hesitation whatsoever. Madara then stood up, taking care not to drop the crying child as he tried to dry up her tears. "What happened? Did someone do something mean to you?" Madara asked as Hayumi's crying eventually turned to sniffles as she tried to speak.

"T-t-tou s-san l-l-l-lied! H-he p-promised t-t-to s-spend time w-with me b-b-but -" Hayumi managed to choke out before burying her face in Madara's neck as she continued to cry. Madara sighed as he continued to comfort her, promising her that he'll spend the day with her instead.

"R-really? Y-you won't break y-y-your promise, r-right?" Hayumi asked hopefully as Madara ruffled her hair with a gentle grin.

"Of course not. Come then, let's go get some dango, shall we?"

"Y-yes! I want the multi-colored one t-tou-sama!" Hayumi exclaimed as she wiped her tears away, showing a huge smile to Madara. Madara laughed as they both walked down the street, Hayumi babbling away happily in his arms.

"See that?"

Tobirama whipped his head around to confront Madara, and was surprised to see that Hayumi had also woken up. However, her eyes looked hollow, as if the life was sucked right out of them. Tobirama panicked at the sight, trying to get close but was surprised at the words that came out of Hayumi's mouth.

"Can we kill him, tou-sama?"

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