Chapter 34: The Garage

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Zoey rubs the strip of wax against my inner thigh and I take a deep breath. She shoots me a look and before I can protest she pulls it off with a fast hand movement.

"Fuck!" I curse at the stinging of my hair being ripped out at the root.

Zoey laughs quietly at me, throwing the strip into the plastic bag we've adopted as a bin.

"All done, Ghost." She grins "Front, back and sides."

I huff as the stinging subsides and I pull my panties back on.

"I think you took too much pleasure out of seeing me in pain." I groan, pushing through my bathroom door to flop onto my bed.

Zoey follows behind, folding her arms "I have offered to wax you a million times, and nine times out of ten, you say no, adamantly. Am I just supposed to ignore the fact that this time you've sought me out?"

I roll my eyes, but Zoey doesn't give it up and I am beginning to sweat. I don't like talking to Zoey about Zayn, I can always see her dislike for him bubbling up behind her eyes.

"Seriously, Luna. What're you doing with Zayn that required you to be completely hairless?" She scoffs.

"Don't be gross." I scold, trying to stop my cheeks from blushing pink.

She changes strategies.

"How was the rest of your birthday? I haven't seen you since then."

The corners of my mouth tug upwards, I know what she is asking me really.

"It was good." I fiddle with my thumbs, avoiding her glare "We went to a restaurant, it was nice."

"You have a hickey on your arse, Luna. I saw it when I was waxing."

By now my face must be a bright red as I stare blankly at her. Images of Zayn biting and sucking on my butt cheek fill my mind and I feel like I'm going to explode from embarrassment. Zoey's eyes are narrowed as she looks back at me expectantly.

"We had sex." I admit, my throat drying as I do "And I know you don't like him, but please, don't make me feel bad about it."

Zoey's face falls and she searches my face. I hold my breath in my throat. Unexpectedly she leans forward and embraces me, burying her face into my neck. I hug her back, of course, but tentatively, unsure of where this is going to go.

"Luna you're my best friend." She says quietly "I-I'd never make you feel bad for something like that."

She pulls back from me to look into my eyes "I think Zayn is a dick, but I think you are the most amazing woman I've ever known. If you're happy to have had sex with him, then I am happy for you. I want you to be able to talk to me about these things, regardless of who with."

A tear forms in my eye and I wipe it away quickly "I just feel like you don't want to hear it."

"Of course, I want to hear it, Luna! I love you."

"I love you." I nod "I'm sorry, I should've told you."

"No, I'm sorry. Maybe I am too critical when you talk about him, and that's wrong of me. I'll always want to hear about your sex life."

I push her playfully. I feel lighter having told someone. My bond with Zayn is intense, and sometimes I get worried I'll get too wrapped up in it if I don't have an external outlet.

Zoey smiles and pinches my arm "Was it good?"

"It hurt, a lot." I laugh "The second time was better. He's good."

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