The Cabin

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            Chapter 5: Annabeth POV

(AN: This takes place while Percy is at Yancy, so a whole half day earlier.)

My bed felt big. Perhaps I shrunk. I don't really know what to believe anymore. It's obviously the middle of the night, and I'm in my cabin. Then why does everything feel so weird? The portal could've sent me to an alternative dimension for all I knew. It is really hard to be a child of Athena and not know something. And the worst part is that our brains are all we have. We don't have any powers or talents. Why did I get the bad luck of the draw? Ugh, I hate rambling, stupid ADHD.

I looked outside only to see a perfectly normal camp with perfectly normal harpies trying to kill me for being out of bed. Wait.

My cabin looked the same, but I still had to inspect it. So I looked and didn't find anything except a few food items dating back to 2005. But I dismissed it quickly, until I checked the bathroom.

In cabin 6 we don't care about getting ready so the bathroom is only there for practical purposes. So it was last in my checklist. When I turned the lights on I almost screamed. I looked exactly as I did six years ago.

The wrapper wasn't a mistake, it was 2005.

I hurried out, opening my bag to get a drachma. But before I could say the chant, Percy's face popped up in front of me.

"Percy, I think we time traveled." I stated.

"I figured that out, I'm not that oblivious." Percy said.

"Yes you are, and you're at Yancy right?" I guessed.

"Yeah, though I plan to freak Grover out a bit, but not actually say anything."

"Just be careful and come home soon. I don't need to wake up tomorrow with a whole new universe because of something you did to alter the course of the space time continuum."

"Big words," He whined, " But don't worry about a thing. My guess is that we will go back to our dimension once we do some sort of task, that's how it seems to always work."

"Wow," I gasped dramatically,"You actually said something intelligent."

"Ah yes my young child, Persssaaassssius Jackssssssson (AN: reference much) is the most smartest person in the galaxy."

"Oh my gods," I face palmed, "You are about as smart as Blackjack when he is high on donuts, and that's saying something. Anyways got to go, see you in a few days." I waved before swiping the IM away.

Now I have the rest of the day to myself, or so I thought.

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