The Hall

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Chapter 6: Annabeth POV

Gods, being the small camper sucks. Everyone seems to think that they are better than you. I know, I know my fatal flaw is getting the better of me, but they are really getting in my nerves.

To top that all off I have to avoid half the campers. All of my dead friends, the traitors who just wanted to be wanted, and ... Luke. Seeing him alive was the worst punishment the fates could think of. And to top that off, 12 year old me had a huge crush on him and tried pleasing him constantly.

I didn't see anyone until lunch in the mess hall. It seemed easy right? Sit with your half- siblings and ignore the world... well that didn't exactly happen.

As I sat down, Luke slipped into the seat next to me.

"Annie, what's wrong? You seem to be avoiding everyone." Luke said.

"Don't call me Annie. And there is nothing wrong with me." I growled before standing up.

Luke grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye, "Annabeth, I have known you for five years. I know when something's up," Luke then put on a scary expression, "Is it a boy? I can beat him up. Not that you aren't capable of doing that yourself."

"No- well sort of. It's more complicated than yes or no."

"You're impossible, you know that right?"

I laughed, "You better get back to your table. Mr. D is staring at you."

"Fine goldilocks, see you after lunch!"

-this time skip is presented to you today by booknerd1056-

I had just finished my newest book series, content on finding a nice follow up when Travis bursted into the Athena

"Minotaur... fury attack, come quick!" He panted.

"One second, I'll be right there!" I responded.

Travis looked at me weirdly before sprinting away.

I IM'd Percy quickly and got him up to speed before searching my room for my dagger.

But I couldn't find it.

I tore apart my cabin looking, but still no luck. I had almost given up until I saw a glint in an old pipe in the bathroom. I ran toward it, grabbed the dagger and ran outside.

I came out to a full blown war.

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