The Story

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                     Chapter 12: Percy POV

When we got back to camp, everyone erupted.

Well, metaphorically of course.

Annabeth and I agreed to tell everybody that we were from the future, but it had to be soon, before the first task. For the rest if the day we relaxed, spending most of the time canoeing. But as we heard the conch shell, we exchanged looks, nodding our heads.

It was time.

Annabeth and I stepped onto an elevated podium, trying to get everyone's attention. We almost gave up until Chiron whinnied, getting the camp to settle down.

"What is so important that you called the entire camp here for a meeting?" Clarisse yelled.

I sighed but replied, "Annabeth and I haven't been exactly honest with you guys. Now it's just one little secret, but we need you guys to not react that much."

"What this seaweed brain is trying to say is," Annabeth took a deep breath and said, "We are from the future."

The camp started to shake with all of the noise, but a simple accidental rain may of persuaded them to shut up.

"So who are you?"

"When are you from?"

"How do we know if you are telling the truth?"

Those questions escaped from the crowd like prisoners from Iron Heights. But nevertheless we had to gain their trust. However we couldn't scare them by bringing in the Fates. Thankfully our problems were solved by a glowing light with a creepy voice. Yes, I know how creepy that sounds.

When it appeared, nobody reacted. It was like green smoke talked often here. Wait.

"Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase, you are presented with your first task to go back to your time. Since it is the beginning, you shall start easy. You will tell your story, and no being modest Percy! That's why Annabeth is here." It boomed.

Great, at least our first task is easy. But how many will there be? The voice seemed to read my mind saying,

"You will be given five tasks, but beware, they will not come easy. And yes, you only have four more after you complete this one."

The camp seemed to stare us down, like we had just committed murder or something. I hoped that we didn't have to go into detail, and since only Annabeth was here, nothing could be molded into some sort of lie.

But something was off. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something seemed to be missing. But I had to start with the story, so I sat down, floating off into Percytopia. I thought about how to explain the first quest without everyone getting on Luke... hey, where is he? That's what I couldn't think of, Luke was gone.

That was a minor issue though. We needed to finish these tasks so we could get home. And so our tale began.

"Perce, when should we start?" Annabeth asked.

"How about a quick summary of our years 0-12 and start the story with what really happened during the time that we got here." I said.

"Ok." She said.

"So, it all started when I thought I could control my field trip curse..."

-Time skip to the dawn of time, or just a normal morning after the longest story ever-

"...and then we ended up here." I wheezed out.

We had told my entire life story the entire night, and let me be the first one to say that I was exhausted. I had plowed through every significant plot line, but it didn't help that Annabeth interjected every five second, claiming my statement to be "modest" or "not having enough details." To make matters worse, the campers bombarded us with questions anytime we so much as said a syllable. Also, I know that I am over exaggerating, but it was so annoying! We were out of breath, and practically sleeping with our eyes open. The rest of the camp seemed to be doing the sane thing.

We called good night, even though it was morning. I fell asleep the moment my face hit the pillow, drifting off into a nightmare.

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