2 - Babysitter

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Nora's PoV:

I sighed and dropped my head on my work desk after hanging up the phone. How was I supposed to tell my boss? I stood up and knocked on his door anyways, because I couldn't waste any time.

"Come in." I heard his smooth voice say and took a deep breath before stepping in.
"Sir, I know this is sudden, but I have to leave. Something came up and my daughter needs me." I told him, afraid he might get annoyed.

This has been the first time I had to leave because of my daughter, but it wasn't the first time she caused a little havoc in here. I hate the fact that Maria is out of town for two months and now I have to deal with some teenage babysitters who can't handle a three year old.

"Oh, is she alright?" He asked to my surprise and stood up with a worried look on his face. I couldn't help but check him out. He was looking so handsome, I still wonder why he was single. Not that he hasn't had a few girls come in his room and do a few things in the past, but he never really meant it.

"I do. I just-" I sighed and shook my head. I shouldn't tell him too much. Why is he even asking? Does he know anything?
"I really need to leave, sir." I repeated and my boss nodded.

"Of course. Let me know what's happening, alright?" He asked me and I nodded. It confused me that he actually asked me about Emma's well being. It's not like he knows her, he only saw her once. A few weeks ago and I didn't like it. I was afraid he would get suspicious of her red her.

I left the office short after that and drove home. I let the neighbor's teenage daughter take care of Emma, but she had to rush to some thing she forgot about and now I had to get home and take care of Emma.

Who even forgets they had something important? I'll make sure not to pay her tonight, since she only looked after her for two hours. Sadly, my sister already left the states again and I was all alone. I still had my mother to help me out, but whenever I left Emma in her care, that poor baby came back with a new haircut and posh clothes.

"I am so sorry, Miss Gray." The young girl handed me Emma, who was delighted to see me and squealed in happiness. I simply nodded and got out of the way, so she could leave my house. Once she did, I kicked the door shut and kissed Emma's cheek.

"Mommy." She hugged my neck tightly and I sighed, before adjusting her in my arms. I placed my purse on the kitchen counter and simply sat down on the couch in the living room with Emma on my lap.

"Hey baby. Are you okay?" I asked her as I brushed a few strands of hair away from her face. Maybe I should hand her to my mother. She needs a haircut. But I just love her beautiful red and long curls.

"Mommy play." She answered me and I nodded, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. I sat her down on the floor and she ran to her area at the corner of the living room. I saw a few dolls laying around as well as some legos.

I sighed and stood up, nearing my daughter. I knew this was going to be a long day.

Fast forward to the evening.

I kissed Emma's forehead and straightened my back. I just tucked her in and she was so exhausted from playing and laughing that she immediately fell asleep. I finally had some time to myself and was able to get out of my work clothes.

It was hard being a single mother, but I was sure some people had it worse. I loved my job and couldn't ask for a better boss. He was understanding and after today I just realized how stupid I am. How stupid I was for not telling him.

Obviously he liked children. I saw it in his face when he met Emma. I sighed and settled down on my bed after showering and changing. Tomorrow was Saturday, thank god. I had the whole weekend to play with Emma and look for a kindergarten.

I think it's time for her to meet children her age anyways. Maria would have more time for her family and maybe look for another job. I just can't risk him seeing Emma again. Even though he had brown hair and tanned skin, no one would suggest a thing. Because Emma was a ginger with pale skin, ever since she was born.

I was so surprised when I saw her red hair that day. I didn't have anybody with red hair in my family, so I figured she got that feature from him. And I found out years later when he needed me to pick up his mother from the airport. Her hair was red like fire, too beautiful to be fake. Just like my little Emma's.

I shook my head, away from my thoughts. I decided years ago not to let him know that she was his daughter. I was happy without a man and thought he would just humiliate me and probably fire me. And I needed this job. It was definitely better not to tell him, or anybody that he was my baby daddy.

I sighed and was about to close my eyes when I heard my cellphone ring from the nightstand. I groaned and picked it up, without looking at the ID.
"You better have a good reason to call me this late." I said, my eyes closed.

"It's not even eight yet, Miss Gray." I heard him chuckle on the other line and my eyes shot open. Oh my god, how embarrassing.
"I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't look at the caller ID." I felt my cheeks warm up.

"It's fine. I figured that much." He said and cleared his throat before continuing.
"I actually didn't plan on disturbing you. I just wanted to know if your daughter was alright. Because you seemed a little frightened back in the office. You didn't call me either, so-" He stopped talking.

"I- I know, I'm sorry. I just forgot. And yes, she is okay. Thank you for your concern, I assure you this won't happen again." I said, not really knowing how to feel about him checking up on her. Am I being paranoid? Does every boss do that?

"I'm glad and don't worry. Family goes over everything, I understand. I'm just thankful you told me. But- Well...If you don't mind me asking. Doesn't she have a father, who could've watched her?" His question made me blink and I had no idea how to answer. Should I lie?

"I- he's out of town." I said, my voice wouldn't even convince myself.
"Really?" He sounded unconvinced, just like I thought.
"With all due respect, sir. Was there anything else you needed?" I knew I sounded rude, but how else should I put it?

"No. I'm sorry for disturbing. I'm glad you're okay. I also called because I was invited for a dinner tomorrow and need you there. I know we normally don't work on weekends, but it is an important one." He said and I smiled sadly.

"Of course, sir. I will be there." I said.
"I will pick you up, since your house is on the way." He said and I hesitated.
"There will be no need, sir. I'll take my car, it's fine." I said.

"That wasn't exactly a question, Miss Gray." His demanding tone made me shiver.
"O-Okay." I said.
"Good. Have a good night." He sad and hung up, before I could answer.

I gulped and dropped my head on the soft pillow. Whenever he talked to me like that, I became weak. Because the first time he spoke to me in a dominant way was the night Emma was created.

I shook my head, willing to let go of those thoughts. I need to start controlling myself again. These past few days have been a little out of plan.

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