8 - Anger

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Next week in the office...

"Hey Nora?" I looked to my left in surprise. When did he step in?
"Yes, sir?" I asked my boss. I got back to calling him sir, since we still work together.
"This weekend should be warm, do you want to go to the water park with Emma?" I heard him ask.

"She gets a sunburn pretty easily, so I don't know." I said. It was true. I even put sunblock on her one time, but she still got sunburned. Poor baby cried all week long.
"I'll get a good sunblock, don't worry about that." He said and I sighed.

"I don't know." I voiced my doubts and he sighed, before sitting down on a chair in front of the desk.
"She's safe with me, Nora. Just trust me. If anything happens, which isn't, you're there too. Please, Nora. It's my first real time doing something with my daughter, I want it to be special." He said and I nodded.

"Alright." I gave in. He smiled at me and I thought he would finally leave, but he didn't.
"Is there anything else?" I asked, looking back at my desktop. He just shook his head and stood up, but he still didn't leave.

"You like me as your boss, right?" I heard him ask and looked up to see his eyes narrowed down on me.
"Yes." I couldn't ask for a better one, I wanted to add.
"What do you like about my qualities as your boss?" Where did those questions come from?

"Well, I like the atmosphere. We had a good relationship these past few years and you were understanding when it came to my emergencies. Never did you yell at me, which I had before." I answered, keeping it professional. He smiled and I found myself smiling back.

"What I like about you as my secretary is that you're responsible. You're young, only a few years younger than me, though. But you're very mature and respectful." He said and I blushed, nodding in agreement. But his face expression changed within a second.

"What do you not like about me as a person? Regardless of our professional relationship." He said, making me frown.
"Sir, I-" I didn't want to answer that.
"Answer me. What's so bad about me?" He sat back down in front of me and looked at me expectantly.

"I never said there was anything bad about you." I scoffed. He snorted humorlessly and shook his head.
"Of course you did. Indirectly, that is. I get that you thought I was irresponsible and immature. But I want to be with my daughter, doesn't that show enough?" He threw his hands in the air.

"And I'm letting you see her. What else do you want?" I asked enraged. What is up with him?
"I want you to trust me!" He roared and I flinched. He was breathing fast and the vene in his neck was visible.

"Elijah." I said softly and his angry face expression was replaced by a hurt one.
"Why are you so cold? You've never been like that. And just because I found out about Emma, doesn't mean you need to get all distant. In fact, I think being friends-" I groaned, interrupting him. Not this again.

"What is wrong with being friends, for fuck's sake?" He stood up abruptly, knocking a chair over.
"Calm down!" I stood up as well and glared at him. He shook his head and turned around, his fingers caressing the sides of his head. He kicked the chair that was still knocked over.

"Stop getting all angry. This is exactly why you're not mature in my eyes. As soon as something doesn't get your way, you snap. What if that happens to Emma? What if-"
"Don't you dare finishing that sentence! I would never do anything like that to Emma!" He pointed a finger at me.

I knew I was wrong, but I just couldn't be his friend. I can't risk it. I had a future to protect.
"Then accept that I want nothing to do with you in my private life. We have a child, yes, but we don't have to interact. I'm sure Emma will learn to love you as her dad without me." I said.

"Why, Nora? Just answer me this one question. Why do you want nothing to do with me?" He asked and I gulped, before sitting back down on my chair. He put the chair, he knocked over back in its place and sat down as well.

"Why?" He repeated, his intense stare making me all tingly.
"You're not safe." I said and he frowned at my answer.
"What? What do you mean not safe?" He was even more confused now and I found that funny.

"I answered you. Please leave me alone now." I said and he shook his head.
"No, that's not fair. That makes no sense." He argued and I shrugged.
"It makes perfect sense to me." I told him and he growled.

"Tell me what the fuck you mean by that! This instant, Nora!" He ordered loudly. I decided to ignore him and he got back to yelling at me. But he never physically touched me, so that was good. He continued to knock chairs over though and when he was done, he looked back at me, gave me a glare before finally leaving.

The bad feeling is still there, but I know I have to be cold in order to have a safe future for Emma and myself.

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